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moonshineshadow: *laugh* That is great. But you know we write every noun with a capital letter, so it is normal. And also Chip is not really a name that is common here :D
Hmm. That's an interesting way of doing things. Wouldn't work here. With everything capitalized, I'd be inclined to start humanizing my grocery list and slowly starving myself out of psychotic guilt.

I'd like to think there's one person, sitting in a hut on the peak of some mountain, and they are named Chip, as everyone in their inexplicable bloodline (they all sit on mountaintops, not a lot of exposure to dating) were.
Post edited December 05, 2015 by CarrionCrow
moonshineshadow: Have to say I'll not respond. If people don't write in English here I consider it as that they don't want me to read it. I am also having a feeling of déjà-vu.
AgentBirdnest: Déjà-déjà-déjà-vu, by my count...
*Big English hug*
*big happy that I can understand you hug* :D
AgentBirdnest: Déjà-déjà-déjà-vu, by my count...

*Big English hug*
Two more and you'll have a Yahtzee, I think. Or I spent too much time huffing lemon-scented Pine Sol earlier.
moonshineshadow: *laugh* That is great. But you know we write every noun with a capital letter, so it is normal. And also Chip is not really a name that is common here :D
CarrionCrow: Hmm. That's an interesting way of doing things. Wouldn't work here. With everything capitalized, I'd be inclined to start humanizing my grocery list and slowly starving myself out of psychotic guilt.
That might be one of the reasons why we have laws here about what names parents are allowed to give their children :D
moonshineshadow: So I guess that message from Painted_Doll was something about not posting anymore.

Have to say I'll not respond. If people don't write in English here I consider it as that they don't want me to read it. I am also having a feeling of déjà-vu.
Hooo... but alors, you speak French ;D hihi
Avez-vous déjà vu... Moonshineshadow parler français... et arborer fièrement son bel avatar de Noël... plein de neige et de jolies lumières... non non non...
**Big French hug**
AgentBirdnest: Remind me to never have kids +__+
Nephews gone... time to shower, relax, play some Gettysburg (thanks ElT) and enjoy the rest of the evenoon in silence u__u
Haha... ho yeah... it's kinda a full time job... so... how did it go ? No loss ? both have got back home in one piece ? :)
**big happy hug**
Post edited December 05, 2015 by Empress_Owl
Good evening, everyone!

I hope you are all having a lovely weekend?

I finally got to get some decent sleep - 27 hours of sleep in fact. Which is nice in some ways, but it sucks missing my entire Saturday. I am still not too good, but the sleep has helped a little. What is worst is that I am still very tired. So I figured I would have a nice drink and something to eat (which will be hard as I feel quite nauseous) while chatting with the lovely people of the thread for a little while. I probably won't be staying long as I am feeling very worn out, but I just wanted to say hi to all you lovely people. Oh, and Stilton... STOP YELLING! :-)

Did I miss anything fun?

*sleepy hugs*
Empress_Owl: Hooo... but alors, you speak French ;D hihi
Avez-vous déjà vu... Moonshineshadow parler français... et arborer fièrement son bel avatar de Noël... plein de neige et de jolies lumières... non non non...
**Big French hug**
*laughing return hug* It is more like I understand it, speaking is something completely different ;-)
AgentBirdnest: Remind me to never have kids +__+
Nephews gone... time to shower, relax, play some Gettysburg (thanks ElT) and enjoy the rest of the evenoon in silence u__u
Just a quick reminder, Agent: Never have kids!!!

(I'm in a position to know what I'm talking about. :-)).
ddickinson: Good evening, everyone!
I hope you are all having a lovely weekend?
*sleepy hugs*
*extra big hug*
moonshineshadow: That might be one of the reasons why we have laws here about what names parents are allowed to give their children :D
Some might say that's restrictive to freedom. But I live in the U.S., a massive shambling lesson in why extra freedom is sometimes a very bad thing, so it makes sense.

On a side note, I just thought of the best name a child could have. It would have to be "My Parents Should Have Been Sterilized". With a name like that, no one would ever, ever disagree.
CarrionCrow: Would you like a chip? (Or crisp, or whatever they might be called in German or Swiss.) They're barbecue flavored.
moonshineshadow: Sure. And it is also chip here, just with a capital letter :D
Des chips !!!! :-D ,,',',,',,'' me ! me ! me !!!
Empress_Owl: Des chips !!!! :-D ,,',',,',,'' me ! me ! me !!!
Sure, you can have some. However, at this point, the bag's at a stage where you really have two options.

1. You can lift the bag over your head and essentially pour tiny potato shards in your mouth since they're too small to pick up cleanly.

2. You can mix said shards with a can of beanless chili, the kind of thing one usually puts on nachos, then call it chip cake and eat it with a spoon.
ddickinson: Good evening, everyone!

I hope you are all having a lovely weekend?

I finally got to get some decent sleep - 27 hours of sleep in fact. Which is nice in some ways, but it sucks missing my entire Saturday. I am still not too good, but the sleep has helped a little. What is worst is that I am still very tired. So I figured I would have a nice drink and something to eat (which will be hard as I feel quite nauseous) while chatting with the lovely people of the thread for a little while. I probably won't be staying long as I am feeling very worn out, but I just wanted to say hi to all you lovely people. Oh, and Stilton... STOP YELLING! :-)

Did I miss anything fun?

*sleepy hugs*
Hoooo !! DD !!!
**Big happy hugs**
I'm glad to read you're feeling better and had a more-than-decent sleep :))
Don't worry about your missed saturday ; there are still plenty more (well, not especially -this- year, but, who cares).
I'm happy to see you take good care of yourself :)
Yes... you missed US of course ;-p **big silly hug**
AgentBirdnest: Remind me to never have kids +__+
Nephews gone... time to shower, relax, play some Gettysburg (thanks ElT) and enjoy the rest of the evenoon in silence u__u
Stilton: Just a quick reminder, Agent: Never have kids!!!

(I'm in a position to know what I'm talking about. :-)).
Ho, you're so mean :)
If I could, I'd have 10 kids !! ... wait.... what... õ__ô .... shut up, beer !!!!!
I'm kidding. Don't. ;-p
Post edited December 05, 2015 by Empress_Owl
In the UK we eat chips (small c) with fish and peas, a little salt and vinegar sometimes, and tartare sauce. Its rather nice. :-)

Hello all. I managed to get myself some sleep after only four hours in the first round. Another eight followed and I'm even feeling human again. Whoopeee!

Hope you're all well. :-)
Empress_Owl: Des chips !!!! :-D ,,',',,',,'' me ! me ! me !!!
CarrionCrow: Sure, you can have some. However, at this point, the bag's at a stage where you really have two options.

1. You can lift the bag over your head and essentially pour tiny potato shards in your mouth since they're too small to pick up cleanly.

2. You can mix said shards with a can of beanless chili, the kind of thing one usually puts on nachos, then call it chip cake and eat it with a spoon.
..... :-| .....
answer 2, answer 2 !!!! ,,',',,','):-O
**running to find some chili**