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Stilton: Just a quick reminder, Agent: Never have kids!!!

(I'm in a position to know what I'm talking about. :-)).
Forgive me if I'm using the term incorrectly, but what's coming to mind as a description for your statement is "silly bollocks".

Does a person need to violently shove their pelvis into the business end of a rusty bear trap to know it will ruin their weekend to do so? Probably not.

ddickinson: Given that up until then I had only had a few hours of sleep all week, and on top of some new health stuff, I am hoping the sleep is just what I need to help recover some more. I am hoping that this big sleep will reset my not-sleeping phase so that I can start to get at least my usual 4-5 hours a night.

I am picturing the dogs in your house just looking at each other and rolling their eyes thinking "Crow is at it again". :-)
Hopefully. That could be just the thing to get it all balanced once again.

Yes, the dogs are fully aware of my issues. (At least, as much as dogs can be.) But on the other hand, they're all codependent attention junkies, so as long as I'm not shooting firearms in the house, they'll still come around for petting/baby talk that makes their tails wag because the tone of voice is pleasant/treats.
Post edited December 06, 2015 by CarrionCrow
Stilton: In the UK we eat chips (small c) with fish and peas, a little salt and vinegar sometimes, and tartare sauce. Its rather nice. :-)

Hello all. I managed to get myself some sleep after only four hours in the first round. Another eight followed and I'm even feeling human again. Whoopeee!

Hope you're all well. :-)
CarrionCrow: Peas? Are we talking pea pods, or piles of individual peas?

Good evening, also. Glad to hear you've got your helmet on straight once again. =)
Peas, loose, piled individually and steaming.

A straight helmet is definitely the way forward, rather than sideways like before. :-)

How's your day been? The sale seems to be ticking over pleasantly enough. No major surprises, but one or two collectibles here and there.
Stilton: Just a quick reminder, Agent: Never have kids!!!

(I'm in a position to know what I'm talking about. :-)).
AgentBirdnest: *PHEW* ... you got here just in time. I was this close! :-)
So that's what you've been doing....
Post edited December 06, 2015 by Stilton
Stilton: Peas, loose, piled individually and steaming.

A straight helmet is definitely the way forward, rather than sideways like before. :-)

How's your day been? The sale seems to be ticking over pleasantly enough. No major surprises, but one or two collectibles here and there.
So that's what you've been doing....
*jumps and tries to steal Stilton's helmet only for me to facehug him*
l0rdtr3k: **hugs DD's leg*
*return hug*

CarrionCrow: Hopefully. That could be just the thing to get it all balanced once again.

No, the dogs are fully aware of my issues. (At least, as much as dogs can be.) But on the other hand, they're all codependent attention junkies, so as long as I'm not shooting firearms in the house, they'll still come around for petting/baby talk that makes their tails wag because the tone of voice is pleasant/treats.
I hope so. I go for some more scans next week, so hopefully that will shed some light on things.

So you are all just fighting for the most attention? :-)
Stilton: Peas, loose, piled individually and steaming.

A straight helmet is definitely the way forward, rather than sideways like before. :-)

How's your day been? The sale seems to be ticking over pleasantly enough. No major surprises, but one or two collectibles here and there.
That sounds good. (Unless they're sweet peas. Then they're slop to give someone you dislike.)

Yep. Walk with a sideways horned helmet on long enough, especially while tired, and it's just a matter of time before you're having to repair holes in drywall.

It's been at times both dull as hell and extremely active. Fortunately, everything is done now so I can go back to sitting on my ass relatively stress-free.

Picked up three games earlier, up to 25 in total if I include grabbing Moment of Silence the day before the sale started.
What's been catching your eye?
ddickinson: Did I miss anything fun?

*sleepy hugs*
NOLF was released, and we all partied on Endre's lawn to celebrate (with fireworks.)
Kidding. Pretty much just this. Sitting around... talking... the usual :-p

*Big hug*
Post edited December 06, 2015 by AgentBirdnest
ddickinson: I hope so. I go for some more scans next week, so hopefully that will shed some light on things.

So you are all just fighting for the most attention? :-)
That would be a very good thing. Fingers crossed.

Actually, it's them fighting for attention while I fight the urge to scream and curse after they've dug their claws into my feet while stepping on them dozens of times.
AgentBirdnest: NOLF was released, and we all partied on Endre's lawn to celebrate (with fireworks.)
Kidding. Pretty much just this. Sitting around... talking... the usual :-p

*Big hug*
You remember what happened to Pinocchio when he told lies? He told lots of lies and he ended up getting mixed up in the wrong crowd and turned into an ass on that creepy island. Ass strangely enough means donkey, but those silly Americans use that word for arse as well. :-)

*big tired silly hug*
ddickinson: You remember what happened to Pinocchio when he told lies? He told lots of lies and he ended up getting mixed up in the wrong crowd and turned into an ass on that creepy island. Ass strangely enough means donkey, but those silly Americans use that word for arse as well. :-)

*big tired silly hug*
More like turned into a bad-ass! He smoked cigars and played pool B-| ... Sign me up for this island!! [/awesome at peer pressure] :-)

*ridiculous hug*
CarrionCrow: That would be a very good thing. Fingers crossed.

Actually, it's them fighting for attention while I fight the urge to scream and curse after they've dug their claws into my feet while stepping on them dozens of times.
Thank you. I am really hoping this new stuff is just a slight side effect of everything, as the immune system acting up can be quite nasty. I will be getting some tests for that stuff as well, but my doctor is hopefully it is just an effect of everything and the lack of sleep.

They have to do something to get their own back for listening to you screaming over all those horrible games. Maybe they want a go as well but you keep hogging the computer. :-)
ddickinson: *return hug*

I hope so. I go for some more scans next week, so hopefully that will shed some light on things.

So you are all just fighting for the most attention? :-)
*makes cooing noises that resembles a puppy*
Stilton: Just a quick reminder, Agent: Never have kids!!!

(I'm in a position to know what I'm talking about. :-)).
CarrionCrow: Forgive me if I'm using the term incorrectly, but what's coming to mind as a description for your statement is "silly bollocks".

Does a person need to violently shove their pelvis into the business end of a rusty bear trap to know it will ruin their weekend to do so? Probably not.
''Silly bollocks' is a term generally used for a male who is doing or has done something foolish or stupid. Colloquialisms get a pretty broad use a lot of the time, partly though laziness and partly because of the evolution of a language, so the original meaning often gets buried under all sorts of variants. But this is what I'd use it for.

As for the bear trap, I'd do my level best to keep my nuts well away, whatever the cost. :-0
AgentBirdnest: More like turned into a bad-ass! He smoked cigars and played pool B-| ... Sign me up for this island!! [/awesome at peer pressure] :-)

*ridiculous hug*
So you want to be a bad-donkey? I see. You know of course that I will have to tell Owl you have been smoking and drinking? She will be so disappointed in you for smoking those horrible things. :-)

*silly hug*
Stilton: Peas, loose, piled individually and steaming.

A straight helmet is definitely the way forward, rather than sideways like before. :-)

How's your day been? The sale seems to be ticking over pleasantly enough. No major surprises, but one or two collectibles here and there.
So that's what you've been doing....
l0rdtr3k: *jumps and tries to steal Stilton's helmet only for me to facehug him*
Are you going all runny because you're happy or because its hot? :-)
Stilton: Are you going all runny because you're happy or because its hot? :-)
A mix of both.