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Hopefully I can keep myself a wake a little longer, at least enough to finish my drink once it has cooled, but if I should just go offline without saying goodbye then it is probably due to me nodding off. So if I go before I reply to anyone then I am sorry, but I will try to reply when I am next online.

CarrionCrow: There are six of those to go with the three dogs. Much lower maintenance, have to say. The cats don't give a damn about anything except a place to sleep for 12 hours at a shot, food, water, being petted when and only when they wish to be, and having pieces of the house to ruin by sharpening their claws on them.
It is nice they all get along, but I can imagine that is a big of a handful sometimes, especially when the weather is bad and they are all indoors?
ddickinson: Hopefully I can keep myself a wake a little longer, at least enough to finish my drink once it has cooled, but if I should just go offline without saying goodbye then it is probably due to me nodding off. So if I go before I reply to anyone then I am sorry, but I will try to reply when I am next online.

It is nice they all get along, but I can imagine that is a big of a handful sometimes, especially when the weather is bad and they are all indoors?
How dare you even suggest that you might do something while sick that I've done more times here than I can even remember? ;)

That's when it It's all about agility then as you try to avoid breaking your own ankles while attempting to not step on the animals that are pretty much everywhere.
Also, two of the cats will always decide to get in a fight at around 2:45 in the morning. Must be some unspoken feline law.
*yawn* ... Think I'll head out. Have a good afterevenight, everyone. Take care. See you another time. *goodnight hugs, waves, and helmet tips*

Also, hello Crow. I don't remember if I've said anything to you today. Hope you are doing alright :-)
AgentBirdnest: *yawn* ... Think I'll head out. Have a good afterevenight, everyone. Take care. See you another time. *goodnight hugs, waves, and helmet tips*

Also, hello Crow. I don't remember if I've said anything to you today. Hope you are doing alright :-)
You did say one thing. You told me to not have kids, at which point I more or less said, "Way ahead of ya, and amen to that. I'd rather have a festering taint cyst that I have to cauterize with a lit cigarette."

Eh. Can't complain too much. ;)

Have a good night, sleep well. =)
AgentBirdnest: *yawn* ... Think I'll head out. Have a good afterevenight, everyone. Take care. See you another time. *goodnight hugs, waves, and helmet tips*
*good night hug* Sleep well.
CarrionCrow: You did say one thing. You told me to not have kids, at which point I more or less said, "Way ahead of ya, and amen to that. I'd rather have a festering taint cyst that I have to cauterize with a lit cigarette."
*laughing on my way to bed* ^^
CarrionCrow: How dare you even suggest that you might do something while sick that I've done more times here than I can even remember? ;)

That's when it It's all about agility then as you try to avoid breaking your own ankles while attempting to not step on the animals that are pretty much everywhere.
Also, two of the cats will always decide to get in a fight at around 2:45 in the morning. Must be some unspoken feline law.
What can I say, we English just have more manners. :-) (Sorry, I am only Joking.)
I know, but I just tend to feel bad. Like when I was last on I left to get some sleep and it bothered me a little in case I forgot to reply to anyone before I left. Silly I know, but I value the people here and I would not want them thinking I was just being rude.

Cats love to make noise at night, especially if they can wake the humans up at the same time. :-)

AgentBirdnest: *yawn* ... Think I'll head out. Have a good afterevenight, everyone. Take care. See you another time. *goodnight hugs, waves, and helmet tips*

Also, hello Crow. I don't remember if I've said anything to you today. Hope you are doing alright :-)
Goodnight, Agent! Sleep well and have a lovely weekend!

*big hug*
ddickinson: What can I say, we English just have more manners. :-) (Sorry, I am only Joking.)
I know, but I just tend to feel bad. Like when I was last on I left to get some sleep and it bothered me a little in case I forgot to reply to anyone before I left. Silly I know, but I value the people here and I would not want them thinking I was just being rude.

Cats love to make noise at night, especially if they can wake the humans up at the same time. :-)
People are pretty understanding around here. Wouldn't worry too much about it.

The cats here are quiet when they're tired. Upshot of having 10 acres of dust - they have pretty of room to run around. It's when they don't get that, when they're housebound and restless, that things tend to get obnoxious.

Additional - There are few things I know of that make me want to beat my head against the wall more quickly than when I suddenly, and for no reason, have snippets of music from 7th Saga start playing in my brain.
Post edited December 06, 2015 by CarrionCrow
CarrionCrow: People are pretty understanding around here. Wouldn't worry too much about it.

The cats here are quiet when they're tired. Upshot of having 10 acres of dust - they have pretty of room to run around. It's when they don't get that, when they're housebound and restless, that things tend to get obnoxious.
I know, but when I am way too tired I tend to worry about silly things. :-)

I can imagine that. Having all that room to play with then getting stuck indoors must drive them crazy. I know it does me. :-)

So how are you enjoying the new line up of games?
AgentBirdnest: *yawn* ... Think I'll head out. Have a good afterevenight, everyone. Take care. See you another time. *goodnight hugs, waves, and helmet tips*

Also, hello Crow. I don't remember if I've said anything to you today. Hope you are doing alright :-)
Sleep well, Secret. ;-)
I think I had better get back to my hibernation. It has been a struggle just staying awake this long. But it has been nice chatting with you lovely people. Take care, and have a lovely weekend! Hopefully tomorrow will bring some new sale items for you all to look forward to.

*sleepy goodnight hugs and silly waves*
ddickinson: I know, but when I am way too tired I tend to worry about silly things. :-)

I can imagine that. Having all that room to play with then getting stuck indoors must drive them crazy. I know it does me. :-)

So how are you enjoying the new line up of games?
I know the feeling. I don't mind letting you know so maybe it won't be a bother, even when fatigue sets in.

It's not a bad selection of items this time around. Already have almost all of them. -laughs- The ones I don't, I'm not going to buy quite yet. Still waiting to see what comes since this is only a third of the way through the sale.

Sleep well and feel better. =)
Post edited December 06, 2015 by CarrionCrow
Sleep well DD, hello everyone else.
Back from a good pumpkin pie coma. :-)
ddickinson: I think I had better get back to my hibernation. It has been a struggle just staying awake this long. But it has been nice chatting with you lovely people. Take care, and have a lovely weekend! Hopefully tomorrow will bring some new sale items for you all to look forward to.

*sleepy goodnight hugs and silly waves*
Sleep well Mrs D! :-)
EndreWhiteMane: Sleep well DD, hello everyone else.
Back from a good pumpkin pie coma. :-)
Hi, Grinch! Pumpkin pie sounds good. :-)
Post edited December 06, 2015 by Stilton
EndreWhiteMane: Sleep well DD, hello everyone else.
Back from a good pumpkin pie coma. :-)
Stilton: Hi, Grinch! Pumpkin pie sounds good. :-)
It wasn't bad, apparently laced with tranquilizers.
Agent should get star #4 tomorrow, another reason to party, yay! :-)