EndreWhiteMane: Well, wake it up.
CarrionCrow: Trying to wake back up. The desk is a lost cause.
penumbren: *snorfle*
*waves at everyone, then goes back to watching Co-Optional Podcast*
CarrionCrow: -waves back- Hope you're doing okay over there.
Pretty good. Had a not-wonderful morning, but that's life. Made the last changes to my library and wishlist before the cutoff date (and hopefully didn't mess anything up for my Secret Santa by doing so), and am now just keeping an eye out for any unmissable deals - to buy as gifts, just in case. :D
For now, poking at work stuff, listening to Co-Optional, wishing I had an Overwatch beta key, and then playing some more WoW later.
penumbren: *snorfle*
*waves at everyone, then goes back to watching Co-Optional Podcast*
EndreWhiteMane: Hi there. ;)
Hi yourself! :)