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Stilton: Wow, your desktop must be a blizzard of shortcuts.
NoNewTaleToTell: At one point it was, but I overcame my laziness one cold evening and made a "Games" folder and shoved all the shortcuts there. Now the only thing littering my desktop are the shortcuts to my music creation programs, which isn't too bad.
Music and games, two of life's joys. Three, if you include creativity. Is the music creation something you're doing off your own back, or have you trained in it?
Stilton: Good that she's using the season to get back to where she was before. The pressure of Christmas shopping has a way of focusing the mind. :-) How does the leaving one wife to Asia thing work? Were you out there once? I wonder if transvestitism is only a male to female thing, or if there are female transvestites. Many women wear masculine clothes, so its difficult to work out where the line between one camp and the next lies. It seems like there are more subtleties between gender types than there has been before, and more new types being added to the mix. It can confuse an ageing Viking...
Yeah I've done some travelling to Asia before. In another life :)
There were quite a lot of male-turned-women transvestites in Southeast Asia. I guess men put a lot more effort in the changing business, didn't see many women trying to be men :)
Yeah it can be confusing, but I guess people want to try new things :) I know a person who was first straight, then turned transvestite, and I think he's straight again now... can be a bit confusing :)
Stilton: Music and games, two of life's joys. Three, if you include creativity. Is the music creation something you're doing off your own back, or have you trained in it?
I have a tiny bit of formal training on guitar and drums, maybe a years worth if you put them end to end. Honestly I can count the guitar lessons as the instructor was about useless and spent half of each lesson doing nothing but stuff like gossiping about what he saw at the cinema. Other than that, I'm completely self trained...for worse and worse haha, I've been focusing on getting my composing really up to snuff the past few months.

Do you play any instruments or anything?
Good morning, everyone... Happy weekend. *sleepy hugs and waves*
AgentBirdnest: Good morning, everyone... Happy weekend. *sleepy hugs and waves*
Hello! Oh man it is Saturday isn't it? I could've sworn that yesterday was Wednesday.

Note to self: Stop sleeping ten hours a day.
NoNewTaleToTell: Hello! Oh man it is Saturday isn't it? I could've sworn that yesterday was Wednesday.

Note to self: Stop sleeping ten hours a day.
Well, except on the west coast I guess. I should have said "good mornight" to make sure everyone is covered :-)
Stilton: Good that she's using the season to get back to where she was before. The pressure of Christmas shopping has a way of focusing the mind. :-) How does the leaving one wife to Asia thing work? Were you out there once? I wonder if transvestitism is only a male to female thing, or if there are female transvestites. Many women wear masculine clothes, so its difficult to work out where the line between one camp and the next lies. It seems like there are more subtleties between gender types than there has been before, and more new types being added to the mix. It can confuse an ageing Viking...
superstande: Yeah I've done some travelling to Asia before. In another life :)
There were quite a lot of male-turned-women transvestites in Southeast Asia. I guess men put a lot more effort in the changing business, didn't see many women trying to be men :)
Yeah it can be confusing, but I guess people want to try new things :) I know a person who was first straight, then turned transvestite, and I think he's straight again now... can be a bit confusing :)
Its sort of sad that so many people aren't they way they want to be, or society doesn't accept them because they don't conform to expected types. Its also very positive that they're becoming what makes them comfortable. Being straight all my life I've never had cause to doubt my gender or the position it gives me in society. But gender has such a huge influence on what a person wants to be and do. I'm sure a lot of people have an unpleasant and unnecessarily tough time.
NoNewTaleToTell: I have a tiny bit of formal training on guitar and drums, maybe a years worth if you put them end to end. Honestly I can count the guitar lessons as the instructor was about useless and spent half of each lesson doing nothing but stuff like gossiping about what he saw at the cinema. Other than that, I'm completely self trained...for worse and worse haha, I've been focusing on getting my composing really up to snuff the past few months.

Do you play any instruments or anything?
I played drums a bit at school, but it always sounded like someone throwing a load of luggage down a steep flight of stairs, so I stopped. My creativity is the visual kind. Its basically all I've ever done. I went through art college and then worked for a while at the Royal Opera House in London painting scenery. It was a great place to work.
AgentBirdnest: Good morning, everyone... Happy weekend. *sleepy hugs and waves*
Hi, Agent. :-) How are you doing? Is Christmas pleasing you or stressing you a bit?

AgentBirdnest: Good morning, everyone... Happy weekend. *sleepy hugs and waves*
NoNewTaleToTell: Hello! Oh man it is Saturday isn't it? I could've sworn that yesterday was Wednesday.

Note to self: Stop sleeping ten hours a day.
If only I got that much. I only managed 4 hours last night. My body clock is whacked.
Post edited December 05, 2015 by Stilton
Good morning everyone .
current mood
Post edited December 05, 2015 by Painted_Doll
Stilton: Hi, Agent. :-) How are you doing? Is Christmas pleasing you or stressing you a bit?
*tips helmet in Stilton's direction*
Christmas is pleasing. Mostly quiet, putting up some decorations, listening to music, all that stuff.
Unrelated to the holidays, things could be better today. I had a bit of an unpleasant evenight, and didn't sleep as well as I'd have liked to... I'm supposed to be taking care of my nephews later in the morning - I promised to take them up to the top of the big hill nearby, but I'm starting to regret that promise, because I can't stop picturing myself getting halfway up before having to stop and curl up in a ball +__+
On the plus side, I woke up without a headache or nausea, which makes feel bad for complaining about the rest :-p
AgentBirdnest: Well, except on the west coast I guess. I should have said "good mornight" to make sure everyone is covered :-)
Eh, they'll catch up!

Stilton: I played drums a bit at school, but it always sounded like someone throwing a load of luggage down a steep flight of stairs, so I stopped. My creativity is the visual kind. Its basically all I've ever done. I went through art college and then worked for a while at the Royal Opera House in London painting scenery. It was a great place to work.

If only I got that much. I only managed 4 hours last night. My body clock is whacked.
Oh wow that's really cool! Do you have links we GOGolytes can check out?

Yeah I've been there, there has been several weeks worth of nights over the past year where I slept four hours or less. I hope your internal clock gets a hold of itself.
Stilton: Its sort of sad that so many people aren't they way they want to be, or society doesn't accept them because they don't conform to expected types. Its also very positive that they're becoming what makes them comfortable. Being straight all my life I've never had cause to doubt my gender or the position it gives me in society. But gender has such a huge influence on what a person wants to be and do. I'm sure a lot of people have an unpleasant and unnecessarily tough time.
Indeed. Well put :)
Good morning dear Thread fellows :)
**Big hugs with coffee**
How are you doing on this lovely Saturday ?
Empress_Owl: Good morning dear Thread fellows :)
**Big hugs with coffee**
How are you doing on this lovely Saturday ?
**Big return hug**
Good morning, Wings. Happy weekend :-)
Really tired here =__o ... other than that, I'm okay. How about yourself?
Here's a interview with Switchblade Symphony I read years ago, lots of good points to be found in it.

I'm not the biggest fan of pop or rap (at least the stuff on the radio) but pop/rap and mainstream should NOT be a dirty word. Art is art regardless of genre label to state the obvious, I'm sure there is something you'll like in even your least favorite genre/style. I'm not saying you have to like EVERYTHING mind you, just keep an open mind.
*sleepy hugs* Hello peeps,may all of you have an awesome weekend.