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Stilton: I think one was put up but it kept getting stolen. Stupid really, because if you take it off the house it loses all meaning.
I guess people put it in front of their own house, and try to impress their friends by convincing them that David Bowie was born there? Of course, the gig would be up as soon as a hardcore Bowie fan sees it, and realizes it is not true... So nevermind that idea...
Post edited December 04, 2015 by AgentBirdnest
XxXSprayvWarXxX: Hello folks, I just got back from extra school and I'm extra tired, how are you doing?
I'm hugging you.
XxXSprayvWarXxX: Hello folks, I just got back from extra school and I'm extra tired, how are you doing?
l0rdtr3k: I'm hugging you.
Thank you, hugging you too! :)
XxXSprayvWarXxX: Thank you, hugging you too! :)
*very slimmy hug*
Damn it. Stupid desk sleeping.
CarrionCrow: Damn it. Stupid desk sleeping.
Well, wake it up.
CarrionCrow: Damn it. Stupid desk sleeping.
EndreWhiteMane: Well, wake it up.

*waves at everyone, then goes back to watching Co-Optional Podcast*
EndreWhiteMane: Well, wake it up.
Trying to wake back up. The desk is a lost cause.
penumbren: *snorfle*

*waves at everyone, then goes back to watching Co-Optional Podcast*
-waves back- Hope you're doing okay over there.
Post edited December 05, 2015 by CarrionCrow
I need a drink. A big one.
Preferably one which I could dive in. I'm a small guy so it would not be very big drink. :-)
LeoLR: I need a drink. A big one.
Preferably one which I could dive in. I'm a small guy so it would not be very big drink. :-)
Rough day?
CarrionCrow: Damn it. Stupid desk sleeping.
EndreWhiteMane: Well, wake it up.
*giggle* n__o
EndreWhiteMane: Well, wake it up.
penumbren: *snorfle*

*waves at everyone, then goes back to watching Co-Optional Podcast*
Hi there. ;)
EndreWhiteMane: Well, wake it up.
CarrionCrow: Trying to wake back up. The desk is a lost cause.
penumbren: *snorfle*

*waves at everyone, then goes back to watching Co-Optional Podcast*
CarrionCrow: -waves back- Hope you're doing okay over there.
Pretty good. Had a not-wonderful morning, but that's life. Made the last changes to my library and wishlist before the cutoff date (and hopefully didn't mess anything up for my Secret Santa by doing so), and am now just keeping an eye out for any unmissable deals - to buy as gifts, just in case. :D

For now, poking at work stuff, listening to Co-Optional, wishing I had an Overwatch beta key, and then playing some more WoW later.
penumbren: *snorfle*

*waves at everyone, then goes back to watching Co-Optional Podcast*
EndreWhiteMane: Hi there. ;)
Hi yourself! :)
Post edited December 05, 2015 by penumbren
EndreWhiteMane: Rough day?
Not because a particular reason but rather because all little bits piling up along the day and week that in the end make wish to send everything to... somewhere.


Taking the opportunity I ask you: The files I sent you yesterday are Ok? The last time I sent a big chunk of data to someone part of them got corrupted. That's one of the reasons I divided the pack.
I hate getting songs stuck in my head, even really good ones. Part of me worries that my brain will ruin the song forever. Another part just doesn't want to listen to music, and feels like my brain is betraying me +__+