ElTerprise: Yup. I have a weekendend seminar coming on saturday, enough work for two other seminars and loads of assignments at my job....-.-
couldn't have been a better moment to get sick :)
Thank you.
Glad to hear that. I guess that's good for a change :)
Yep, I wish it was Christmas. I guess by then I'll have time for a real breather. ;) Good luck managing all of it!
ddickinson: Hello, lovely Fearful! *big hug*
I am glad to hear you are doing fine. But only fine? Anything I can do to make it good at least?
I have had better days, sadly. But nothing I need talk about, as it is quite sad, at least to me, and I don't want to spoil the mood in here.
Hm, well, if you have a magic stick you can wave around to make some of my work for university disappear ... ;) It'll be quite busy for me until around Christmas, I think, so I'll just have to put up with it for a little while longer.
Sorry to hear that. :( *big hug* And don't worry, you never spoil the mood, anything goes here.
But I'll oblige you by chatting about something inane. :) I'm thinking about getting chin-length bangs cut into my hair but I'm not really sure yet. It's hard to make a decision because if I end up not liking it, it'll take several years for the hair to grow back to its original length. But on the other hand, I think some bangs might be pretty nice. :P So yeah, it's a very serious debate. ;)