EndreWhiteMane: We don't have wild snails here sadly, not even in the water. Too cold in the winters.
Doing pretty well tonight, sorry your day isn't the best.
*big hug*
So no wild snails? I guess that means your area will be spared when the French invade, as they will only invade where there is food. Unless you have frogs, then you are still at risk. :-)
Glad to hear you are doing pretty well. How did your hospital visit go?
Thank you. I will be okay, just some sad news to go on top of everything else at the moment.
*big return hug*
AgentBirdnest: Dungeons of Dredmor did that. It has the option to disable permanent death, among other options that I don't remember. Seems like a good idea to me.
Then again, I'm not entirely sure what a roguelike is... I kinda do, but, I'm bad at defining genres...
I did not know that, but then rouge like games are not really something that appeals to me.
As far as I know, they are called rogue like (or rogue lite etc), based on an older game called Rogue. That is about all I know. :-)
j0ekerr: Well roguelike games appeal to a very specific kind of masochistic gamer...
Oh, lookie there!
I understand that, I get that it is for a certain type of gamer, but I just thought they could increase sales by adding a simple option to control how "rogue like" the game is. Probably not viable, but just something I always wondered as I have seen a few games over the years that looked interesting, but I was put of due to the rogue like elements.