Posted November 16, 2015

Agreed. Better way to look at things all around.
It sure is, plus if it is really good news then it is even more welcome and happy news. :-)

If would recommend you two different games. Both are older, if you want something newer let me know.
Zeus & Poseidon: This is the latest of the Ceasar type games and if you want to try one of them out, choose this. The reason for that is that they really improved many mechanics and it plays really well. Definitely my favourite one of the series even if I like the Egypt theme of Pharao more, but the mechanic improvements just make it a much better game. In my opinion the game is good at easing you intohow things work, you start with some easy mission where everything is slowly explained to you and you don't need to deal with everything at once. It also has a nice atmosphere and some cool stuff later on like building temples for the gods and hero halls to get some greek heros to sent them on a quest for the glory of your city :D
Anno 1602: Another great game. Here you are not playing some ancient civilisation but instead you are going to settle on one or several islands and try to advance from almost nothing to a nice society and supplying your settlers with all the goods they might need / want. This game also starts easy with slowly easing you into things, so regarding this point you can just choose the one that appeals to you more. What is als nice that it has some nice voiceovers for informing you when some resources are getting scarce etc. (I can still remember some of them) - I hope they are also nice in the English version.
If you want to know anything more specific about them, just tell me ;-)
*big thank you hug*