ddickinson: I tend to stick with a game until I complete it, which can be annoying sometimes, but once I start something I want to see it through to the end. I have a few games on the go at one time so I can take breaks between playing my main game.
I just found Mousecraft to be dull, I did not really like the presentation, the lack of information on controls if you happen to miss the opening tutorial popup, and some other things. The game was just so repetitive and boring with no real charm to it.
Oh, and I am sure I will hate Blackwell as well, as I hear those games are horrible with rubbish storylines. ;-)
*hides before Agent get's mad about my Blackwell comment*
What do you call that procedure where they stick spikes through your eyes and into the brain?
I used to do that. After playing through two incredibly boring games in a row that I hoped would get more fun but never did (Dead Island and FEAR 3), I changed my mind :-p These days, if I'm not having fun, I'm able to stop myself from continuing.
Additionally, I don't feel too pressured to complete a game if I
am having fun. If I'm having fun, it means the game was worth it. Finishing it is just a bonus to me.
*hears a less-than-amazing comment about Blackwell and burns down the solar system* ,','',',',',>:-O
I'm always worried that I hype up Blackwell too much for those who haven't played it yet...
That procedure is a lobotomy. Through the eyes is nicknamed an "ice-pick lobotomy". [/sad that I know so much about it]