Posted November 16, 2015

I have no problem with that trope, as long as things get mixed up sometimes. People need saving every once in a while, women too. But as you say, that does not mean all the women have to be the same. Some can rescue themselves or even men. As long as there's a balance between the different portrayals I think it's fine.
I'm okay, right now it's like having a really severe cold. :) And the nose rinses still kind of hurt, but I'll get over that. I'm unfortunately super busy, though. There are so many deadlines that I'm not even sure how I'm going to manage celebrating my own birthday next week and attending my own graduation after that. :P
I think the problem is the lack of women in the industry, as I said, men make what they know. I am sure most of them don't go out of their way to be sexist, I am sure some do, but most I would think either don't consider it, or are told by the publishers that boobs sell. I remember reading an article a few years ago about a development team who were made to make all the women slutty despite not wanting to, but the publisher insisted that would sell more.
Sorry to hear that, has the bleeding at least stopped now? I hope you will get over your cold soon, and that you will recover from your operation as quickly as you can.
So… It is your birthday next week? You kept that quiet. So come on, what day. I need to get the gifting train organises? :-)
*big hug*