IAmSinistar: It has strangely mutated in many countries, as things tied to religion are wont to do. It's a purely commercial holiday in Japan, and may as well be here in The States, given how many people here practice "words not deeds" as their creed. But I'm trying not to be Scrooge-y. :)
Afraid I don't have a great storehouse of jokes, and most of the ones I know are not suitable for all audiences or have a performance component. But here's an old chestnut I often trot out when pressed for one:
"What's the difference between a dead rat in the road and a dead lawyer in the road?"
"Skidmarks before the rat."
Yep, it's definitely taken on a life of its own. I don't think it's very religious here in the Netherlands, but it's not completely commercial either, as the gift-giving normally occurs on December 5 (Sinterklaas) for most families here. I think there's been an increase in popularity when it comes to giving presents on Christmas, but at least when I was younger that was not really done. Most people here just have a nice dinner with friends and family on Christmas day, I think, and put up a tree and some decorations.
That's a pretty good one! Thanks. :)
ddickinson: I have some crocodile burgers and Kangaroo steaks in my freezer (seriously), as well as some sausages made form boars instead of regular pigs. I am looking forwards to trying all of them. :-)
That sounds exotic but not frightening (I know, it's weird that spiders creep me out while rats and snakes and crocodiles don't). I've never had any of those, so do let me know what they're like when you get around to trying them. :P