Posted November 16, 2015

Moon shared a picture of a Moomin Stand from her vacation, which successfully made me smile :-)
DD likes to complete all her games, while I don't really care if I do or not as long as I have fun.
Boobs, boobs, boobs.
Sexism in video games. Including "bikini armour", and how males in games should have skimpy armour too. Also a bit about arguing in general, and how annoying it can be. Princesses don't always want to be saved. This thread luckily has very cool heads about it.
Fearful has a birthday coming up. I know better than to ask her age, because I'm a gentleman.
Christmas... is a holiday.
Billy is (temporarily) back.
I think that's about it? >__o
I notice that you used the word "boobs" way too mcuh. Which means -you- are obsessed by boobs... You and DD.
When is Fearful's birthday ? :D **not discreet at all**