superstande: Hi, sorry... got carried away with gaming.
You are... with a beer and downloading your library? Stilton: My stuff....
Damn, I've become predictable :-(
Which version of WL2 are you playing? The basic Director's Cut seems the best option to me. It looks pleasantly involving and good to look at. But maybe the Deluxe is better.
Its weird actually playing some of my games now. Forging ahead to get them downloaded is one thing, but spending some time playing something makes the whole process more bearable.
I should get the Ss (esses) done today...hopefully. Very hopefully...
Hmm... esses? ... drawing a blank here :)
Until this morning I was playing the basic Wasteland 2 original... Then I got the DC classic edition.
There are things better and a few things worse, in my opinion with the director's cut.
The Deluxe has just extras outside the game, I think? If you are a big fan, sure why not! :)
They changed one of my favourite things in the dc: when you are trying to move stuff from one character to another who is too far, the original has the text explaining why you cannot move the item, and there are two boxes, "Shit!" and "Okay" (or something like that) ... I thought that was really funny... you can choose to click which box you like, but I'm pretty sure it doesn't make any difference :)
But there are nice visual changes like cool new light-effects... and hopefully the new perks thing will be lots of fun too.