NoNewTaleToTell: Hello dudes and dudettes! How are y'all?
I'm at the stage in The Sims 3 where I can build a "dream" home, we'll see how that turns out. Didn't take long to reachi this stage as the professions introduced in Showtime are really overpowered in earning potential, although painting remains the most broken way to earn cash. As a singer "singing for tips" my sim earns a minimum of five hundred simoleons a day, and gigs at the biggest venues earn nearly thirty thousand simoleons, and you can earn a guaranteed weekly gig at those venues.
Can't complain here. Should be doing the housework I procrastinated over all day long, but listening to music instead.
No input on Sims games, never played any of them and everything I've ever seen is people devising ways to kill their game people off in amusing ways.
How are you doing?
AgentBirdnest: Hahaha XD
First big laugh of the day. Awesome :-)
You'd probably be laughing harder if you saw how quickly I shut down what you linked after realizing what it was.
But, in the name of seeking a nice middle ground, I offer an
alternative to the alternative to the alternative. =)