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EndreWhiteMane: So, you love it. Right?
Evidently, batteries need to be recharged, even when it comes to sheer hate.
FearfulSymmetry: No, it's not too great, but on the other hand, things really weren't working out, so I can understand that she's trying to do something else.
Yes, you're right... I wish she finds something else, and that everything will be fine... !! :-\ Good luck and best wishes for her...
j0ekerr: We're still talking about hugs, right?
Cuz I could swear I once saw a movie just like that; except it had tentacles.
>__o .... bleuargh. NOPE. As your avatar says.
Soccorro: Hey Blob! Hey everyone! :D
Hey Socco !! **big hug**
CarrionCrow: Hooray, it's another round of hand cramps, steadily growing rage and wasted time.
The race to beat One Finger Death Punch before I literally snap my controller in half, set it on fire and throw it out the nearest window continues.

Seriously, fuck this game. Left that out, but holy shit, does it ever bear repeating.
EndreWhiteMane: So, you love it. Right?
Meeheeh :-D
Post edited September 02, 2015 by LaPtiteBete
LaPtiteBete: Yes, but he was really too weird for this world anyway :)
You don't like September ?... you don't like your birthday, and now September ?... you're so hateful my Agent... peace !!! that must be all this sugar you eat !!! ;)
Yeah, I'm kinda an assh*le about September, too :-p ... maybe something awesome and memorable happening would change my mind.

LaPtiteBete: Ho... yeah !! ... that was... 8 years ago, wasn't it ?
A little further back, I think... December 1998 n__o
Post edited September 02, 2015 by AgentBirdnest
FearfulSymmetry: No, it's not too great, but on the other hand, things really weren't working out, so I can understand that she's trying to do something else.
LaPtiteBete: Yes, you're right... I wish she finds something else, and that everything will be fine... !! :-\ Good luck and best wishes for her...
j0ekerr: We're still talking about hugs, right?
Cuz I could swear I once saw a movie just like that; except it had tentacles.
LaPtiteBete: >__o .... bleuargh. NOPE. As your avatar says.
Soccorro: Hey Blob! Hey everyone! :D
LaPtiteBete: Hey Socco !! **big hug**
EndreWhiteMane: So, you love it. Right?
LaPtiteBete: Meeheeh :-D
*hug* hi Owl! How are you!? :D
Another perfect level, and my arm hurts. Fuck it, when all fails, continue out of sheer spite.
and chapter 2 starts... Two Worlds 2.
I have a flu, feel tired, my right arm hurts. What a wonderful evening.
Now if you'll excuse me, I'll sleep a decade.
CarrionCrow: Another perfect level, and my arm hurts. Fuck it, when all fails, continue out of sheer spite.
Hello Crow! A fellow student of Marquis de Sade? :p
Post edited September 02, 2015 by superstande
superstande: and chapter 2 starts... Two Worlds 2.
I have a flu, feel tired, my right arm hurts. What a wonderful evening.
Now if you'll excuse me, I'll sleep a decade.

Hello Crow! A fellow student of Marquis de Sade? :p
Hey there. =)

Sounds like you're having more "fun" than I am. Hope you get to feeling better quickly.

Wouldn't give it such an elevated title. More like I ended up with a truly stupid thing to be compulsive about.
superstande: and chapter 2 starts... Two Worlds 2.
I have a flu, feel tired, my right arm hurts. What a wonderful evening.
Now if you'll excuse me, I'll sleep a decade.

Hello Crow! A fellow student of Marquis de Sade? :p
CarrionCrow: Hey there. =)

Sounds like you're having more "fun" than I am. Hope you get to feeling better quickly.

Wouldn't give it such an elevated title. More like I ended up with a truly stupid thing to be compulsive about.
Nooo games are never stupid! :p
I'm actually getting tired of 3d worlds, maybe some 2d is in order next.
the turning cameras, the endless play of dark and light and then the hectic action...
superstande: Nooo games are never stupid! :p
I'm actually getting tired of 3d worlds, maybe some 2d is in order next.
the turning cameras, the endless play of dark and light and then the hectic action...
Oh, there are plenty of cases where the act of playing something is very stupid.
Usually happens when you've already recognized something as bad for whatever reason, but suffer through it anyway.
superstande: Nooo games are never stupid! :p
I'm actually getting tired of 3d worlds, maybe some 2d is in order next.
the turning cameras, the endless play of dark and light and then the hectic action...
CarrionCrow: Oh, there are plenty of cases where the act of playing something is very stupid.
Usually happens when you've already recognized something as bad for whatever reason, but suffer through it anyway.
well alright :)
I have such compulsion with Goscurry. I haven't dared touch that game in a long time, fearing it will drag me in for hours... damning the game's designers to the deepest hells :) but there's the triumph of winning... that lasts at least a second, and then the next level starts, or there's a higher score to reach... argh.
Soccorro: *hug* hi Owl! How are you!? :D
Good !! \o/ i'm back home !
Playing playdoh with the owlet **watching out that she doesn't eat the stuff õ__ô**
What's up ?? :)
Soccorro: *hug* hi Owl! How are you!? :D
LaPtiteBete: Good !! \o/ i'm back home !
Playing playdoh with the owlet **watching out that she doesn't eat the stuff õ__ô**
What's up ?? :)
Oh i'm fine, thanks :D And playdoh!? AWESOME! I love playing with that stuff!!!
Soccorro: Oh i'm fine, thanks :D And playdoh!? AWESOME! I love playing with that stuff!!!
Great to hear :D
:-| ... that playdoh smeels so nice. **refraining from tasting it** ,',',,',,,',' ):-| How can they put nice smell in that and write "do not eat" on the cardbox... peuh !!!
superstande: well alright :)
I have such compulsion with Goscurry. I haven't dared touch that game in a long time, fearing it will drag me in for hours... damning the game's designers to the deepest hells :) but there's the triumph of winning... that lasts at least a second, and then the next level starts, or there's a higher score to reach... argh.
A common trap, the nugget of achievement after torture so the player can go back and torture themselves some more.
Ahoj :)

Thanks i'm having a great trip and Prague is really overwhelming ( in a positive way of course^^).
(Sorry for not replying properly but typing posts on my phone really annoying -.-)

I hope you're doing at least ok *big holiday hugs and waves with beer* :)