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Fighting the urge to buy a game
CarrionCrow: If the money's extra that you don't need to spend on anything related to day-to-day living, why not.
There are a lot worse things to spend cash on than living out a dream. =)
Well, I'll be in debt by the end of my study, there's no way around that. But the money wouldn't cover all of the debt anyway - it would just cover a small part. At any rate, the terms for borrowing money for students are quite lenient around here, and my debt won't be that high, considering that I managed to pay for my expenses during my bachelor myself. And the money is 'extra' in the sense that this particular government regulation was only decided upon a few days ago, so me getting it is a surprise. :P I was going to do the sensible thing and use it to pay tuition fees, but my mother suggested doing something fun instead, and I guess the idea is really appealing.
FearfulSymmetry: Well, I'll be in debt by the end of my study, there's no way around that. But the money wouldn't cover all of the debt anyway - it would just cover a small part. At any rate, the terms for borrowing money for students are quite lenient around here, and my debt won't be that high, considering that I managed to pay for my expenses during my bachelor myself. And the money is 'extra' in the sense that this particular government regulation was only decided upon a few days ago, so me getting it is a surprise. :P I was going to do the sensible thing and use it to pay tuition fees, but my mother suggested doing something fun instead, and I guess the idea is really appealing.
There's more than one way to interpret sensibility. You aren't stupid by any means, you know what the process looks like and what will be involved in paying back the debt. If you can do it without getting whiplash regret over spending the money on the trip, I'm inclined to agree with your mother. Go and have some fun.
cthulhusreign: Fighting the urge to buy a game
Easiest way to fix that problem - buying a game. Works for me every time.
Post edited September 03, 2015 by CarrionCrow
Evening all, hope everyone is doing well. Feeling 'fair to partly cloudy' myself.
Renowned Explorers looks like a lot of fun, may make that my game purchase for this month.
Plus any irresistible sale items of course. ;)
CarrionCrow: There's more than one way to interpret sensibility. You aren't stupid by any means, you know what the process looks like and what will be involved in paying back the debt. If you can do it without getting whiplash regret over spending the money on the trip, I'm inclined to agree with your mother. Go and have some fun.
Yep, I suppose that's true. Having fun is important as well. I went on my first holiday in years in May and I had such a blast it still makes me feel really happy to think about it. At any rate, I have some time to think about it, considering that I'd only be making the journey next summer at the earliest.

EndreWhiteMane: Evening all, hope everyone is doing well. Feeling 'fair to partly cloudy' myself.
Renowned Explorers looks like a lot of fun, may make that my game purchase for this month.
Plus any irresistible sale items of course. ;)
Hi Endre. :) Sounds like you're doing okay, then? :P And yes, I know about those irresistible sales. And kickstarters. Those are terrible too because I always get super tempted to support things.
EndreWhiteMane: Evening all, hope everyone is doing well. Feeling 'fair to partly cloudy' myself.
Renowned Explorers looks like a lot of fun, may make that my game purchase for this month.
Plus any irresistible sale items of course. ;)
Good evening. =)

Can't complain here. Watching a video review and enjoying the skill with which the reviewer has eviscerated the subject matter.

If you end up grabbing that one, let me know what you think of it. Very much on the fence about it, especially with Stasis only being a couple dollars more right now.
EndreWhiteMane: Evening all, hope everyone is doing well. Feeling 'fair to partly cloudy' myself.
Renowned Explorers looks like a lot of fun, may make that my game purchase for this month.
Plus any irresistible sale items of course. ;)
FearfulSymmetry: Hi Endre. :) Sounds like you're doing okay, then? :P And yes, I know about those irresistible sales. And kickstarters. Those are terrible too because I always get super tempted to support things.
Doing OK, still tired and grouchy from the new med, which is pretty much my normal anyway. :-)
I'll add another vote for take the money and have fun. ;)
EndreWhiteMane: Evening all, hope everyone is doing well. Feeling 'fair to partly cloudy' myself.
Renowned Explorers looks like a lot of fun, may make that my game purchase for this month.
Plus any irresistible sale items of course. ;)
CarrionCrow: Good evening. =)

Can't complain here. Watching a video review and enjoying the skill with which the reviewer has eviscerated the subject matter.

If you end up grabbing that one, let me know what you think of it. Very much on the fence about it, especially with Stasis only being a couple dollars more right now.
I looked at Stasis but it's a bit too creepy for me. ;) I'll let you know if I try Explorers.
Post edited September 03, 2015 by EndreWhiteMane
EndreWhiteMane: I looked at Stasis but it's a bit too creepy for me. ;) I'll let you know if I try Explorers.
Okay, cool. With more coin in hand, I'd already have Stasis. But I'm trying to not decimate my play budget in a week or less like I typically do.
EndreWhiteMane: Doing OK, still tired and grouchy from the new med, which is pretty much my normal anyway. :-)
I'll add another vote for take the money and have fun. ;)
Still, adjusting to medicine is never fun. Hope you'll feel a bit better soon! And thanks, I think I will. :)

CarrionCrow: Okay, cool. With more coin in hand, I'd already have Stasis. But I'm trying to not decimate my play budget in a week or less like I typically do.
There's a story dlc coming out for Dragon Age: Inquisition this month, and since I'm a sucker that's where my gaming budget for the month will go.
FearfulSymmetry: There's a story dlc coming out for Dragon Age: Inquisition this month, and since I'm a sucker that's where my gaming budget for the month will go.
If it feels worth it to you, you're not being a sucker about it. Even if it turns out to be disappointing, that's still not you being a sucker, that's them doing a crap job of making good content.
CarrionCrow: If it feels worth it to you, you're not being a sucker about it. Even if it turns out to be disappointing, that's still not you being a sucker, that's them doing a crap job of making good content.
The problem with that game is that I like the story but the gameplay is shit. Single player games should not feel like MMOs in my opinion. But yeah, it's Bioware, and I love Bioware, even if they've been messing some stuff up recently, so for story content I'll give them a shot.

The other problem with the game is that my computer is so far below the minimum requirements it's painful. But it works! Barely! :P
FearfulSymmetry: The problem with that game is that I like the story but the gameplay is shit. Single player games should not feel like MMOs in my opinion. But yeah, it's Bioware, and I love Bioware, even if they've been messing some stuff up recently, so for story content I'll give them a shot.

The other problem with the game is that my computer is so far below the minimum requirements it's painful. But it works! Barely! :P
No, they really shouldn't. MMO's aren't singleplayer games. It's not going to translate the same. That's one of the reasons why I skipped Inquisition. Well, that and the double whammy of Mass Effect 3 and Dragon Age 2 making me feel that whatever track they're on, it's not a good one.

-laughs- Sounds familiar. I do the same with some games, chopping everything down so it'll work.
And some people actually wonder why console gaming's still a thing. At least with consoles you only upgrade once every 7 or 8 years.
CarrionCrow: No, they really shouldn't. MMO's aren't singleplayer games. It's not going to translate the same. That's one of the reasons why I skipped Inquisition. Well, that and the double whammy of Mass Effect 3 and Dragon Age 2 making me feel that whatever track they're on, it's not a good one.

-laughs- Sounds familiar. I do the same with some games, chopping everything down so it'll work.
And some people actually wonder why console gaming's still a thing. At least with consoles you only upgrade once every 7 or 8 years.
Yeah, they really need to get their act together. More and more long-term fans are becoming dissatisfied, which is not a good thing for them. But still, apparently people keep buying their games. That's part of why I called myself a sucker - I don't really want to support this MMO-style stuff, but apparently I have a weak will and I keep buying their games anyway. And yep, ME 3 left me feeling dissatisfied, although the Citadel dlc made things a bit better. And while I really really hated DA 2 at first, I've sort of taken a liking to it now, although it can't hold a candle to DA:O.

Yeah, settings are always on the lowest of the low here. :P It's part of the reason why I'd like to get a console - but then again, I'd like a dedicated gaming rig even better, but that requires a larger investment ...

Well, I should be off, or I'll miss that livestream I stayed up for. :P
FearfulSymmetry: Yeah, they really need to get their act together. More and more long-term fans are becoming dissatisfied, which is not a good thing for them. But still, apparently people keep buying their games. That's part of why I called myself a sucker - I don't really want to support this MMO-style stuff, but apparently I have a weak will and I keep buying their games anyway. And yep, ME 3 left me feeling dissatisfied, although the Citadel dlc made things a bit better. And while I really really hated DA 2 at first, I've sort of taken a liking to it now, although it can't hold a candle to DA:O.

Yeah, settings are always on the lowest of the low here. :P It's part of the reason why I'd like to get a console - but then again, I'd like a dedicated gaming rig even better, but that requires a larger investment ...

Well, I should be off, or I'll miss that livestream I stayed up for. :P
Maybe they'll improve, and get back to making really good stuff again.
And maybe I'll take up ballet, just for the hell of it.

Enjoy your stream, have a good night. =)
superstande: Hello Crow! A fellow student of Marquis de Sade? :p
j0ekerr: The Marquis was a sadist, I think you mean good old Leopold Von Sacher-Masoch

LaPtiteBete: Good !! \o/ i'm back home !
Playing playdoh with the owlet **watching out that she doesn't eat the stuff õ__ô**
What's up ?? :)
j0ekerr: How can anyone resist the glossy and mouth watering look of play-doh.
Remember to keep them away from whipped cream scented stationary.
Ohh the good old Marquis wasn't the inventor of masochism also... sorry my memory isn't trustworthy anymore :)