CarrionCrow: No, they really shouldn't. MMO's aren't singleplayer games. It's not going to translate the same. That's one of the reasons why I skipped Inquisition. Well, that and the double whammy of Mass Effect 3 and Dragon Age 2 making me feel that whatever track they're on, it's not a good one.
-laughs- Sounds familiar. I do the same with some games, chopping everything down so it'll work.
And some people actually wonder why console gaming's still a thing. At least with consoles you only upgrade once every 7 or 8 years.
Yeah, they really need to get their act together. More and more long-term fans are becoming dissatisfied, which is not a good thing for them. But still, apparently people keep buying their games. That's part of why I called myself a sucker - I don't really want to support this MMO-style stuff, but apparently I have a weak will and I keep buying their games anyway. And yep, ME 3 left me feeling dissatisfied, although the Citadel dlc made things a bit better. And while I really really hated DA 2 at first, I've sort of taken a liking to it now, although it can't hold a candle to DA:O.
Yeah, settings are always on the lowest of the low here. :P It's part of the reason why I'd like to get a console - but then again, I'd like a dedicated gaming rig even better, but that requires a larger investment ...
Well, I should be off, or I'll miss that livestream I stayed up for. :P