ddickinson: I hope you can find a nice place to eat and enjoy your birthday with your family. And let's hope you get lots of presents as well. :-)
Thank you. I hope so too :)
BillyMaysFan59: Yep. Ur Quan Masters itself is basically a source port of Star Control 2. (they used the 3DO source code, since that's what the creators released to the public) It's got enhancements thrown in, such as scalers and (in progress) add-on support. UQM HD has modern, high definition textures and graphics, and can run at higher resolutions. (up to 1280x960) I'm playing UQM HD for the nicer visuals =)
You really ought to do some research on it to learn more =)
Also download and play the game, it's nice
Yes. I actually knew that much but UQm HD sounds pretty interesting. I've never played Star Control II (but i want to as i bought it here)
I will do some research about it :)
Can i assume that UQM HD runs on LInux?