tinyE: Fine then, anyone here played Skyrim? I would like some opinions. Now that I'm getting a new PC I can start looking at all of these games I've been denied for so long and that is one at the top of the list.
I know you've played Oblivion so I'll compare it with pros/cons
It has far better combat than Oblivion
The mash potato faces are gone
Level scaling is still present BUT it's been vastly improved, there are different enemies that can spawn based on your level but they all have a level cap and none run around in Daedric armor
Voice acting is kinda improved but it's still a case of 90% of the NPCs being voiced by 5 voice actors
The new lore is fairly interesting
Graphically it's better all around
Dungeons are vastly improved
The new leveling system makes it a bit hard to mess up your character, and you no longer have to sleep to level up, you can even do it in combat now to instantly refill your magicka/health/stamina...not that I've used it like that...nope.
Oblivion has more interesting towns
Towns are really empty, as is the world outside of towns (99% of everything outside of towns want to maul you)
Dungeons are extremely linear and they all follow the same basic layout, including 99% of them including a convenient exit door near the boss' room
Writing is still mediocre at its best Bethesdian junk
Quests are generally less interesting than Oblivion's
Main guild/DLC quests like to send you to Dwemer ruins, which can take over an hour to slog through, and they're bronze enough to burn your eyes after a while, well if your eyes haven't glazed over from boredom
No interesting puzzles to be found, every puzzle is a switch puzzle, usually with the answer nearby
Overall I've had a lot of fun with it just wandering around fighting things, and there are a ton of good mods, some of which I consider essential to the game.