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BillyMaysFan59: Late to replying - sorry.

Eh, doing fine, just not feeling as GOGly today as usual, for obvious reasons :/
Don't worry...i'm also good at late replying (q.e.d.) :)

Glad to hear that you're doing good.. Not feeling that gogly is understandable these days....

But i've a Linux related question. I want to test another distro. Based on your experience. What would be better for someone who is still quite new to Linux but willing learn? Debian or Arch?
ElTerprise: Sounds appropriate ;)
Me neither. Well i do like summer but with temperatures between 20-25°C (about 68-77°F )
Well i don't know much about that universe either and i also know it mostly from playing DoW but i'm curious about the universe and the newly released Warhammer games were recommended to me :D
That temperature would be pleasant as pluck. We usually have extreme lows and extreme highs where I live. Usually -20ºC in the winter, and 40º in the summer. This year has been a bit more mild for both seasons though, which is nice.
It does seem like an interesting universe. I should know, I've been chainsworded'd a couple of times by DD now ;-p I'll have to try the older games at some point.

I'm off to eat a bit and spend some time with Redline. Good evenoon to all :-) *hugs, waves, handshakes, and helmet tips*
AgentBirdnest: That temperature would be pleasant as pluck. We usually have extreme lows and extreme highs where I live. Usually -20ºC in the winter, and 40º in the summer. This year has been a bit more mild for both seasons though, which is nice.
It does seem like an interesting universe. I should know, I've been chainsworded'd a couple of times by DD now ;-p I'll have to try the older games at some point.

I'm off to eat a bit and spend some time with Redline. Good evenoon to all :-) *hugs, waves, handshakes, and helmet tips*
Yes i know :)
Whoa...i think i wouldn't survive with that temperatures ;)
Yup....somewhat exaggerated but i like that. Thankfully you survived the Chainsword :)

See you later *big hug*
This is interesting in a way. All it took was one spark, and most of the active parts of the forum now remind me of the old days of spending days at a time arguing with and trying to harm people with words.

So much for the illusion of one forum being the "best", the "most polite" or the "classiest".
ElTerprise: But i've a Linux related question. I want to test another distro. Based on your experience. What would be better for someone who is still quite new to Linux but willing learn? Debian or Arch?
Well Arch is mostly a "do-it-yourself" type of distro. Configuration, package selection, etc is pretty much all done manually by the user. Perhaps Arch isn't right for you, unless you don't mind "getting your hands dirty" - a.k.a. using the command line. Of course you can set up a graphical interface (display managers and desktop environments are available in the official package repositories), but you have to install them first. Even installing the base system is done from the command line, not with a graphical interface like other distributions.

If you really want to learn how to install and use Arch Linux, spend some time reading through their documentation:

On the front page you'll find info about "The Arch Way", comparison of Arch to other distributions, installation guides, and so forth. Arch Linux has very good wiki documentation. (I heard it's so good that the Debian project leader envies it!)

One of Arch's strong points is versatility. What it does, what it is configured to do, is all left to the user's decision.

As for Debian.... well, you'll want to look on the Arch Wiki page "Arch compared to other distributions" for a more accurate description than I can give. You'll want to look at other comparisons too.

Basically Debian has a more automatic approach to setup and configuration. Unlike Arch, Debian is available with a graphical installer, and you get pre-selected groups of packages. Debian's main software repository contains tons of packages, however they have a more vehement stance on free software, so if you want non-free software (drivers, firmware, etc) you'll want to make use of their "non-free" repositories. Arch is more inclusive of non-free software, which is readily available in their main repositories.

Both Debian and Arch use well-regarded package management systems. (APT and Pacman, respectively) Arch's main repository has a more modest selection, however the Arch User Repository (AUR) makes the selection wider, thus more comparable to Debian's repository. Also Debian comes in Stable, Testing and Unstable branches, with Stable being their main branch. Debian Stable focuses on stability, rather than bleeding edge software (because you can't have both you know), and thus comes in frozen releases. (I'd estimate one release every 2 years) Arch Linux focuses on bleeding edge software and has a rolling release system, so you always get the newest stuff. The disadvantage in this is, of course, potential instability, so bear that in mind.

(Debian Testing is kind of the beta for the next upcoming Stable release, with newer [but still not the newest] versions of software than current Stable. The Unstable branch is a rolling release and focuses on bleeding edge software, just like Arch Linux)

If you don't mind getting your hands dirty, I'd recommend giving Arch a try, since it would provide a big learning experience for you. It gives you a chance to learn more about the Linux system and configuring it. Just be sure to read their wiki a lot! (They have a "Read the F***ing Manual" policy ;)
Post edited August 03, 2015 by BillyMaysFan59
Good evening, everyone!

I hope you are all doing well? Can you please give Moon some more +1s for her wonderful ninja gifting. It is always great to log on to the lovely surprise of a ninja gift.

ElTerprise: Hello DD. That's awesome. CONGRATULATIONS :D
Thank you. *happy hug*

Hello, EIT. We missed you earlier, but I see you were busy at work. But while I have you here, I need two things:
1. A list of your top 5 most wanted games.
2. A list of top 5 games under $9.99/$5.99
BillyMaysFan59: Wall of text
Thanks for the comprehensive information (+1 for that). I actually don't mind getting my "hands dirty" because improving my command line knowledge is one of my highest priority tasks whe it comes to Linux :)
Arch might be worth a try then. Out of curiosity.: does Debian have something like a Live-DVD to try it out?

One other question (or an opinion): What it your favourite desktop? I really liked XFCE when i had Xubuntu running but i also think that Cinnamon is quite good. KDE looks quite good but i read that KDE 5 Plasma is still somewhat buggy....
Please, PLEASE give Endrewhitemane all the +1's you have, folks, for being a pirate gifter.

Use this:

CarrionCrow: This is interesting in a way. All it took was one spark, and most of the active parts of the forum now remind me of the old days of spending days at a time arguing with and trying to harm people with words.

So much for the illusion of one forum being the "best", the "most polite" or the "classiest".
I have to admit, that's one of the reasons why I'm not feeling very GOGly today.
ElTerprise: Thanks for the comprehensive information (+1 for that). I actually don't mind getting my "hands dirty" because improving my command line knowledge is one of my highest priority tasks whe it comes to Linux :)
Arch might be worth a try then. Out of curiosity.: does Debian have something like a Live-DVD to try it out?

One other question (or an opinion): What it your favourite desktop? I really liked XFCE when i had Xubuntu running but i also think that Cinnamon is quite good. KDE looks quite good but i read that KDE 5 Plasma is still somewhat buggy....
I believe Debian might be available as a live DVD. You'll want to check it out :) Yes, if you want to really work on your command line skills, go ahead and try Arch. (Remember: the Arch Wiki is your best friend!)

My all-time favorite desktop environment is KDE 4.x if I had to pick a choice, because of all its features, and its vast customization. And yes, KDE Plasma 5 is very buggy from when I tried it, so I will recommend against that at this time. If you're using Arch, KDE 5 is available rather than KDE 4 (remember: bleeding edge software instead of stability!), so I recommend either XFCE or MATE. (I prefer MATE, it's a continuation of GNOME 2.x, which was my favorite desktop environment back in the day)
Post edited August 04, 2015 by BillyMaysFan59
ddickinson: Good evening, everyone!

I hope you are all doing well? Can you please give Moon some more +1s for her wonderful ninja gifting. It is always great to log on to the lovely surprise of a ninja gift.
Good evening.

Can't complain here. Saw your announcement earlier, congratulations. =)
ddickinson: Good evening, everyone!

I hope you are all doing well? Can you please give Moon some more +1s for her wonderful ninja gifting. It is always great to log on to the lovely surprise of a ninja gift.

Thank you. *happy hug*

Hello, EIT. We missed you earlier, but I see you were busy at work. But while I have you here, I need two things:
1. A list of your top 5 most wanted games.
2. A list of top 5 games under $9.99/$5.99
Good evening DD *big hug*. I don't if there is any recent i haven't +1 yet :)
Doing good here - what about you? that due immediately or do i have time to tomorrow?
ddickinson: Good evening, everyone!

I hope you are all doing well? Can you please give Moon some more +1s for her wonderful ninja gifting. It is always great to log on to the lovely surprise of a ninja gift.

Thank you. *happy hug*

Hello, EIT. We missed you earlier, but I see you were busy at work. But while I have you here, I need two things:
1. A list of your top 5 most wanted games.
2. A list of top 5 games under $9.99/$5.99
Where's my hug,D?
CarrionCrow: Good evening.

Can't complain here. Saw your announcement earlier, congratulations. =)
Hello, Crow!

Thank you, I am still all super happy about it. (I am just a hopeless romantic softie at heart.) :-)

ElTerprise: Good evening DD *big hug*. I don't if there is any recent i haven't +1 yet :)
Doing good here - what about you? that due immediately or do i have time to tomorrow?
Good evening! *more hugs*

Glad to hear you are doing good.

I am doing great, not much could spoil my mood at the moment. :-)

I can wait a few days for the list, but I need it before the 16th. ;-)
BillyMaysFan59: Please, PLEASE give Endrewhitemane all the +1's you have, folks, for being a pirate gifter.

I have to admit, that's one of the reasons why I'm not feeling very GOGly today.
I believe Debian might be available as a live DVD. You'll want to check it out :) Yes, if you want to really work on your command line skills, go ahead and try Arch. (Remember: the Arch Wiki is your best friend!)

My all-time favorite desktop environment is KDE 4.x if I had to pick a choice, because of all its features, and its vast customization. And yes, KDE Plasma 5 is very buggy from when I tried it, so I will recommend against that at this time. If you're using Arch, KDE 5 is available rather than KDE 4 (remember: bleeding edge software instead of stability!), so I recommend either XFCE or MATE. (I prefer MATE, it's a continuation of GNOME 2.x, which was my favorite desktop environment back in the day)

Hmm..will look for it. Well i always have two computers running when i install something ( aving the Wiki available during an install of Arch shouldn't be a problem then)
Yes heard that about KDE (but i also heard that it's quite heavy on resources compared to other desktops) Haven't actually tried MATE and frankly i have no idea of the old GNOME. I remember that we had LInux systems in school but if i'm not mistaken they were running KDE....
Damnit,another Warp portal appeared on my bedroom again.Where have I left the shotgun again?
BillyMaysFan59: I have to admit, that's one of the reasons why I'm not feeling very GOGly today.
Enjoy what you want to, disregard the rest. ;)