Posted July 22, 2015

Registered: Sep 2011
From Switzerland

Registered: May 2011
From Germany
Posted July 22, 2015

Good Night DD *big good night hug* Sleep well and get better :)
Post edited July 22, 2015 by ElTerprise

Registered: Sep 2011
From Switzerland
Posted July 22, 2015
I'll try to get some sleep *good night hugs and waves*

Registered: May 2011
From Germany

Bad Hair Day
Find me in STEAM OT
Registered: Dec 2012
From Other
Posted July 22, 2015
I just booked a room to someone from Vulcan! No shit!
Okay, that is all.
Carry on. :D
Okay, that is all.
Carry on. :D

Registered: May 2011
From Germany

closet ballerina
Registered: Jul 2012
From United States
Posted July 22, 2015
I'll be back around in a couple hours to actually catch up on the thread a bit. Came out of lurker mode to say hello. I hope you are all well! Been loving some Interstellaria the past couple days. So much fun. Enjoying coffee and a lazy evening gaming. Hugs / handshakes / high fives to you all!

Registered: May 2011
From Germany
Posted July 22, 2015

So you really like Interstellaria. Could you explain why because the game looks really interesting to me :)
Post edited July 22, 2015 by ElTerprise

closet ballerina
Registered: Jul 2012
From United States
Posted July 22, 2015

So you really like Interstellaria. Could you explain why because the game looks really interesting to me :)
I hated the tactical screen and battles at first, but once I got the hang of remembering to actually turn my guns on when in combat, it started getting really fun. It's a really engaging game, but also has an oddly casual feel about it, as most of what you do is done with clicks of the mouse. This makes it perfect for me when I only feel like spending 10 or 20 minutes in a game (though, admittedly, I usually end up continuing for an hour or two once I've started.) I've put in 9 hours so far, according to the Galaxy client. No clue how long the game actually is, but I'd imagine it would remain interesting to explore planets even after the story ended, at least for a little while. I do take my time with games, though, so don't take my time played as an accurate gauge for how much gameplay you'd get out of it. It apparently took me 66 hours to complete Pillars of Eternity, so I'm not the quickest at completing games. :)

Registered: May 2011
From Germany
Posted July 22, 2015
Post edited July 22, 2015 by ElTerprise

closet ballerina
Registered: Jul 2012
From United States
Posted July 22, 2015

Alright folks. Think i'm going to sleep now. Good night everyone :)
Good night! I hope you rest well!

Registered: Jun 2014
From Spain
Posted July 22, 2015
Good night people.
It's quarter to 3 and it's 31ºC in the room with the pc, and it doesn't seem like it'll get any cooler than that.
So you can imagine how I don't particularly enjoy being in the room very much nowadays, specially during the afternoon, i's positively boiling. Which more or less is my excuse for being away these past few days.
Kinda good for my wallet too, thanks to that I missed the almost irresistible TB sale. Some of those deals looked utterly delicious. But I'm kind of on a budget and I don't plan to buy anything else until I've cleared a bit of my backlog.
So, what have I missed?
Btw, I'm thinking of going back to college.
It's quarter to 3 and it's 31ºC in the room with the pc, and it doesn't seem like it'll get any cooler than that.
So you can imagine how I don't particularly enjoy being in the room very much nowadays, specially during the afternoon, i's positively boiling. Which more or less is my excuse for being away these past few days.
Kinda good for my wallet too, thanks to that I missed the almost irresistible TB sale. Some of those deals looked utterly delicious. But I'm kind of on a budget and I don't plan to buy anything else until I've cleared a bit of my backlog.
So, what have I missed?
Btw, I'm thinking of going back to college.
Post edited July 22, 2015 by j0ekerr

closet ballerina
Registered: Jul 2012
From United States
Posted July 22, 2015

It's quarter to 3 and it's 31ºC in the room with the pc, and it doesn't seem like it'll get any cooler than that.
So you can imagine how I don't particularly enjoy being in the room very much nowadays, specially during the afternoon, i's positively boiling. Which more or less is my excuse for being away these past few days.
Kinda good for my wallet too, thanks to that I missed the almost irresistible TB sale. Some of those deals looked utterly delicious. But I'm kind of on a budget and I don't plan to buy anything else until I've cleared a bit of my backlog.
So, what have I missed?
Btw, I'm thinking of going back to college.

Registered: May 2011
From United States
Posted July 22, 2015
Well, it's feeling like something is either being worked on, or something's on the verge of crashing catastrophically.
Glad I mapped the refresh key to one of my mouse buttons, since it's taking a few reloads to get each page to show up fully.
Glad I mapped the refresh key to one of my mouse buttons, since it's taking a few reloads to get each page to show up fully.

Flyin' Eye
Registered: Apr 2013
From United States
Posted July 22, 2015
Yup does feel like an iceberg is inbound. Hello and hope your having a good timezone :)