AgentBirdnest: Good morning, DD and Birds...
I don't really have anything interesting to say. Just wanted to say hello :-)
Good morning, my lovely Agent
**Big crushing hug** I hope you're feeling good, and enjoy your Monday as much as you can...
AgentBirdnest: Woo! Another badge! One step closer to The Mysterious Something™ \o/
,,',',',,',',,''):-| Good grief... The Mysterious Something™. You need 10 regular "good night" badges to get The Mysterious Something™ badge ! :-p how many did you get ? (and a bonus technical question : does anyone count how many badges everyone gets ?... because to me it's far too easy to cheat right now !)
Soccorro: GOOD MORNING PEOPLE!!!!!!!
How are you all doing? I'm super fine! :D
Good morning, Socco !!
Glad you're doing super fine !! :D (it sounds like a ham slice thickness here)