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LaPtiteBete: (...)
Bonjour Owl, mon amie *big hug and coffee*
Comment ça va?
AgentBirdnest: I have 2 "tried" badges, and 4 "good" badges. (not in a row... do they need to be in a row?)
I only count my own, nobody else's...
I have no idea... we need to define this Mysterious Something™ with Moon some time !! :-|
LaPtiteBete: (...)
ElTerprise: Bonjour Owl, mon amie *big hug and coffee*
Comment ça va?
Bonjour ElT !! :)
ça va très bien, et toi ?
Merci pour le café !!
**Big happy caffeinated hug back**
What's up ? :)
Post edited July 20, 2015 by LaPtiteBete
LaPtiteBete: Ho crap :-(
Sorry about that... I hope you'll get better soon... both about your nausea and the bothering stuff...
(and I don't want you throw up on me... **Absolute weakiest hug ever**)
Merci. I'm sure I'll be okay. It usually doesn't last long. (I hope it won't last long... it kinda plucking sucks :-p)
You can hug a little harder than that... just no crushing for the moment, please?
**Hug of appropriate tightness**
LaPtiteBete: I have no idea... we need to define this Mysterious Something™ with Moon some time !! :-|
This calls for... a conference \o/
Post edited July 20, 2015 by AgentBirdnest
AgentBirdnest: I have 2 "tried" badges, and 4 "good" badges. (not in a row... do they need to be in a row?)
I only count my own, nobody else's...
LaPtiteBete: I have no idea... we need to define this Mysterious Something™ with Moon some time !! :-|
I'll think about it and also make a list with number of badges.
LaPtiteBete: ça va très bien, et toi ?
Merci pour le café !!
**Big happy caffeinated hug back**
What's up ? :)
Je suis content de l'entendre et je vais bien aussi :)
Still tweaking the new Linux installation :)
AgentBirdnest: (...)
Good Morning Agent *big hug*
How're you doing ?
moonshineshadow: (...)
Good Morning Moon *big hug*
How are you today?
Post edited July 20, 2015 by ElTerprise
moonshineshadow: I'll think about it and also make a list with number of badges.
President Moon to the rescue!! \o/
*big hug*
ElTerprise: Good Morning Agent *big hug*
How're you doing ?
Morning, ElT *big return hug*
Not doing too well today... but the lovely people are are keeping me distracted, so it's not too bad :-)
AgentBirdnest: Morning, ElT *big return hug*
Not doing too well today... but the lovely people are are keeping me distracted, so it's not too bad :-)
Sorry to hear that. Hope you'll get better over the course of the day :)
ElTerprise: Sorry to hear that. Hope you'll get better over the course of the day :)
Danke. 'preciate it :-)
I'm sure that will be the case. It usually is. Worst case, I'll feel better tomorrow.
hi all :)
AgentBirdnest: Danke. 'preciate it :-)
I'm sure that will be the case. It usually is. Worst case, I'll feel better tomorrow.
You're welcome :)
Well even the worst case is not too bad though :)
coribambi: hi all :)
Hello :)
How are you doing?
Post edited July 20, 2015 by ElTerprise
LaPtiteBete: ,,',',',,',',,''):-| Good grief... The Mysterious Something™. You need 10 regular "good night" badges to get The Mysterious Something™ badge ! :-p how many did you get ? (and a bonus technical question : does anyone count how many badges everyone gets ?... because to me it's far too easy to cheat right now !)
AgentBirdnest: I have 2 "tried" badges, and 4 "good" badges. (not in a row... do they need to be in a row?)
I only count my own, nobody else's...
Hmm.... did you perhaps miss one badge? because I counted 5 good badges for you :D
And this made me realise that I need to handle this better. DD has been handing out most badges, so she herself does not have many...
moonshineshadow: Hmm.... did you perhaps miss one badge? because I counted 5 good badges for you :D
And this made me realise that I need to handle this better. DD has been handing out most badges, so she herself does not have many...
Could have. I thought it may be 5, but wasn't positive, so I said 4 because I'm an honest Agent :-)

Unrelated - Let's talk about games! Anyone interested in the staff picks? Or the new release?
LaPtiteBete: I have no idea... we need to define this Mysterious Something™ with Moon some time !! :-|
moonshineshadow: I'll think about it and also make a list with number of badges.
Awesome. That's why you're the badge leader :D
LaPtiteBete: Hey !! don't be sorry because I don't understand anything :D ... I'm French ! and it's Monday ! I have tons of good excuses, it's more than enough ^^
My day is "off to a good start", yes (I didn't know this expression... you English have strange ways to express yourself hihi)
>:-| Oooooh... come on ! you certainly don't bother anyone here ; and you're definitely not going on about yourself too much !!... Pfff !! You're doing great all the time, and never complain, no matter what problems you can encounter (we all have some from time to time ; but you deal with yours particularly like a boss !!!) ; so you totally have the right to complain more than usually these days :D
**Big happy caffeinated hugs**
A ton of excuses? Those would be fun to hear. :-)

Glad to hear your day is "off to a good start". :-)

No coffee hugs for me, I do not like coffee, but I will take a regular happy hug. Would you like some lovely tea, or is it still coffee time for you? I just made a fresh pot of tea, although I nearly didn't make it back to the sofa. I hate feeling all light headed and dizzy. :-(

*lots of big hugs for the lovely French lady*

Soccorro: GOOD MORNING PEOPLE!!!!!!!

How are you all doing? I'm super fine! :D
Good morning!

Glad to read you are doing super fine.

moonshineshadow: ...DD has been handing out most badges, so she herself does not have many...
Good morning, lovely Moonshine!

How did you find out about my evil plan to avoid getting the most badges? For that you can have a bunch of badges right now to make sure you win the special badge. :-)
badge-1.jpg (45 Kb)
badge-2.jpg (43 Kb)
badge-3.jpg (41 Kb)
badge-4.jpg (51 Kb)
badge-5.jpg (73 Kb)
AgentBirdnest: Could have. I thought it may be 5, but wasn't positive, so I said 4 because I'm an honest Agent :-)

Unrelated - Let's talk about games! Anyone interested in the staff picks? Or the new release?
Aaaaaaww I forgot to buy Xulima when it was highly discounted.... >__< Aaaaargh...
Not that I need new games, but well.
What the hell is this new release... õ__ô ... a punishment ? a programmer joke ?..
I'd be curious to test Neo Scavenger, but 30% is not very interested as a discount, so I'll pass until it has a better promo :)
What about you ??
ddickinson: A ton of excuses? Those would be fun to hear. :-)

Glad to hear your day is "off to a good start". :-)

No coffee hugs for me, I do not like coffee, but I will take a regular happy hug. Would you like some lovely tea, or is it still coffee time for you? I just made a fresh pot of tea, although I nearly didn't make it back to the sofa. I hate feeling all light headed and dizzy. :-(

*lots of big hugs for the lovely French lady*
I don't have enough time to list all my lame excuses :-p sorry !! hehe
Yeah, I figured you didn't want coffee... You should have asked ; I've just made some fresh green tea with mint here, you wouldn't' have had to crawl out of your sofa !! ... I hope the light head and dizzy feelings will leave you alone soon...
**More happy french hugs with mint tea**
Have you eaten something today, at least ?....
ddickinson: How did you find out about my evil plan to avoid getting the most badges? For that you can have a bunch of badges right now to make sure you win the special badge. :-)
Haaaaa I didn't see these new badges !!! :-O ...... awesome !!!
Wait. We have to make many Special Badges then.
Because firstly we were talking about a special badge for someone who managed to have enough "sleep well" badges (10 ?.. and then, 10 good night in a row, or doesn't it matter ?...)
But we can also make a special badge for people who get more than X (?) different badges... A Special Badge collector's Badge...
Oh, and you forgot the Ninja Gifter badge !!! Moon deserves it too !!! :D
Post edited July 20, 2015 by LaPtiteBete