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FearfulSymmetry: Hey DD! It's really good to 'see' you again too! :) *enormous hug with a cherry on top* What's this I'm reading about hospital stuff? I think I missed that somehow. Are you okay?

*eats the cherry from the top of the hug* Yum! :-)

I have been having a few medical tests and scans recently. They lost my first set of results so I had to get them all again, but then I had to get some more due to what they found. It's for a few things, but nothing I really want to go into at the moment. I am sure I will be okay, so no need to worry.

But enough about me. How have you been?

*big hug with a giant cherry on top*

AgentBirdnest: *gasp* :-O ... I want those badges o__o I must have ALL the badges!! Hahahahaha >:-D
(what is happening to me? ,'',':-|)

*big... um... hug* :-)
I think you have been around Owl too long. She craves all the stars, you crave all the badges. :-)

*big badge craving Agent hug*

l0rdtr3k: I'm gonna poke you in your big forehead if you don't hug me
Well I am not worried now. I don't have a big forehead, so you must be poking a different person. :-)
Post edited July 14, 2015 by ddickinson
ddickinson: Hello!

*eats the cherry from the top of the hug* Yum! :-)

I have been having a few medical tests and scans recently. They lost my first set of results so I had to get them all again, but then I had to get some more due to what they found. It's for a few things, but nothing I really want to go into at the moment. I am sure I will be okay, so no need to worry.

But enough about me. How have you been?

*big hug with a giant cherry on top*

I think you have been around Owl too long. She craves all the stars, you crave all the badges. :-)

*big badge craving Agent hug*

Well I am not worried now. I don't have a big forehead, so you must be poking a different person. :-)
Then I'll continue to poke your nose.
ddickinson: You make a good point about the developers not really getting a fair share with bundles. I have only ever bought a few for myself, and only for games that were just casual interests, games that I would have never purchased at full price. If it's a game I really want, I tend to wait and hope that it comes to GOG so I can get it DRM free and at a price that is more fair for the developer. Unless it is a horrible publisher/developer, then I would probably not care about them getting their fair share. But those kind of bundles are usually Steam only. :-)

Thank you for the offer, but I will be okay. I notice I seem to be moaning a lot recently, I guess things are starting to take their toll on me. I tend to try to keep all that to myself. Take this whole thing with my partner being away, I feel like I have gone on about it way too much already, especially as she is only gone for a few days. It's nothing serious, yet I feel I have bothered people with my silly comments. It's likely I have not been bothering anyone, but that seems to be another factor that makes me think things are taking their toll, I tend to get weird about some things and over think them.
Not a problem. You're not bothering me, and the offer stands. Won't make any other mention of it.
l0rdtr3k: Then I'll continue to poke your nose.
*Puts on helmet to stop the poking, then traps the little blob in a jar.*

I will let you out shortly, if you carry on poking I will have no choice but to throw you into the Eye of Terror. :-)

CarrionCrow: Not a problem. You're not bothering me, and the offer stands. Won't make any other mention of it.
I really do appreciate the offer. As you have seen I am not the kind of person to really bother people too much with my problems, so it is nothing personal that I refuse your kind offer.
ddickinson: Hello!

How are you today my fine American friend?
Shit I am SOOO sorry I missed this! O_O

Doing fine today, thank you =)
DD's bothering me!

I've offered to chat with her 1000 times and she still doesn't get the point.
I don't want her 'bothering me'.

Sheesh, here take this *big bear hug*
BillyMaysFan59: Shit I am SOOO sorry I missed this! O_O

Doing fine today, thank you =)
No need to be sorry. It's very easy to overlook posts on here, especially when so many people are talking at once. So please don't let it bother you.

I am glad to hear you are doing fine today. Hopefully the rest of your week will go fine as well.
EndreWhiteMane: DD's bothering me!

I've offered to chat with her 1000 times and she still doesn't get the point.
I don't want her 'bothering me'.

Sheesh, here take this *big bear hug*
*lurker visit*
+1 to this :D
*big hug*
EndreWhiteMane: DD's bothering me!

I've offered to chat with her 1000 times and she still doesn't get the point.
I don't want her 'bothering me'.

Sheesh, here take this *big bear hug*
-laughs- Well put.
EndreWhiteMane: DD's bothering me!

I've offered to chat with her 1000 times and she still doesn't get the point.
I don't want her 'bothering me'.

Sheesh, here take this *big bear hug*
See, I knew I was bothering people. :-)

And you will have to forgive me, I am quite tired, but what is the point I am not getting?

*big farm girl hug*
ddickinson: Hello!

*eats the cherry from the top of the hug* Yum! :-)

I have been having a few medical tests and scans recently. They lost my first set of results so I had to get them all again, but then I had to get some more due to what they found. It's for a few things, but nothing I really want to go into at the moment. I am sure I will be okay, so no need to worry.

But enough about me. How have you been?

*big hug with a giant cherry on top*
Sorry to hear that, problems with health always suck. :( I understand you wanting to keep it private so I'll just give you a *mega big super huge get well hug*. And as the others have said, if you ever want to talk, just shoot me a message. I promise you won't be bothering anyone. :)

Apart from worrying myself sick over getting my graduation in order after several people felt the need to neglect their duties I'm doing okay. :P It seems to have been resolved today, though, so now I can fully focus on enjoying my holiday. So there's nothing to complain about I suppose. :) A family friend has come over from America and is spending a few weeks here, and my sister and I are taking her shopping and sight-seeing tomorrow in a nearby city.
EndreWhiteMane: DD's bothering me!

I've offered to chat with her 1000 times and she still doesn't get the point.
I don't want her 'bothering me'.

Sheesh, here take this *big bear hug*
ddickinson: See, I knew I was bothering people. :-)

And you will have to forgive me, I am quite tired, but what is the point I am not getting?

*big farm girl hug*
The point is that 'not wanting to bother people' doesn't really fit in with the general nature of this thread. ;)
Do what you need to do and don't worry about it so much.
*big hug all the way from Iowa*
FearfulSymmetry: Sorry to hear that, problems with health always suck. :( I understand you wanting to keep it private so I'll just give you a *mega big super huge get well hug*. And as the others have said, if you ever want to talk, just shoot me a message. I promise you won't be bothering anyone. :)

Apart from worrying myself sick over getting my graduation in order after several people felt the need to neglect their duties I'm doing okay. :P It seems to have been resolved today, though, so now I can fully focus on enjoying my holiday. So there's nothing to complain about I suppose. :) A family friend has come over from America and is spending a few weeks here, and my sister and I are taking her shopping and sight-seeing tomorrow in a nearby city.
Thank you. *big thank you hug*

So your graduation is all sorted now? That is good to hear. I hope you can enjoy your holiday and have lots of fun, you have worked hard and deserve a nice holiday.

*more hugs*
Hmm...albeit it'll be quite the hassle to assign tags to all games but the new sort by tags makes some sort of individual sorting possible again and it even works with GOGwiki....
ElTerprise: Hmm...albeit it'll be quite the hassle to assign tags to all games but the new sort by tags makes some sort of individual sorting possible again and it even works with GOGwiki....
I was thinking of using mine somehow as an 'I want to play these in this order' kind of thing.

BTW: How hard is CK II on the computer? I think I could play it but it's a couple of levels above my video card for a minimum. :/