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EndreWhiteMane: The point is that 'not wanting to bother people' doesn't really fit in with the general nature of this thread. ;)
Do what you need to do and don't worry about it so much.
*big hug all the way from Iowa*
What is it with everyone picking on me today and trying to make me bother them? :-)

I tend to get a bit silly (worrying etc.) when I am overly tired and stressed. Case in point, I will shut up now, as I feel I am bothering people by not trying to bother them. :-)

(But thank you, all of you, despite how I react I really am grateful for all of your concern.)

*big return hug for the always lovely Endre and all the other caring people here*
ddickinson: Thank you. *big thank you hug*

So your graduation is all sorted now? That is good to hear. I hope you can enjoy your holiday and have lots of fun, you have worked hard and deserve a nice holiday.

*more hugs*
It should be. It's technically a day late but it'll probably be all right. It's out of my hands now, anyway. :P I'm sure my holiday will be great. I'm planning on doing lots of gaming and reading. :)

*all the hugs*
EndreWhiteMane: DD's bothering me!

I've offered to chat with her 1000 times and she still doesn't get the point.
I don't want her 'bothering me'.

Sheesh, here take this *big bear hug*
moonshineshadow: *lurker visit*
+1 to this :D
*big hug*
Hi Moon! I almost missed you in here, you little lurker you. :-)
*big one back*
EndreWhiteMane: I was thinking of using mine somehow as an 'I want to play these in this order' kind of thing.

BTW: How hard is CK II on the computer? I think I could play it but it's a couple of levels above my video card for a minimum. :/
Yes. Thinking of something similar.

Good question. You can turn off some stuff but i think it might refuse to start if the video card doesn't meet the minimum. It's not an overy shiny game but the 3d map might be a problem though. But in the end it's more CPU than GPU intense. You could try the demo to test it though (but the demo is waaaaaay outdated in terms of gameplay)

Edit: Oh boy....75% off and the CKII Collection still costs 36,24 €....
Post edited July 15, 2015 by ElTerprise
CarrionCrow: Well, there was good stuff at least. Sorry to hear you're having to deal with little ones being sick, though.

Read the book that was based on years ago. Never got around to watching the TV version.

It's cooler than it has been, but it's still warm if I leave the nice dark cave area with a fan that I spend most of my time in.

Have been going through my rentals, downloading bunches of stuff so I can work on my backlog there.
Stuff that stands out would be things like Deus Ex Human Revolution, Sleeping Dogs, Final Fantasy 3, the old Macventure games I picked up recently, Orcs Must Die, Alpha Protocol, Resident Evil 4, Company of Heroes, Dark Souls, the new X-Com, Just Cause 1 and 2, lots of stuff that managed to fall through the cracks while I've been focusing on acquiring more and more GOG games.
Hum... yes, I should read the book ! I love Stephen King :)
You stay in a cave ? :D wow !! [/batman]
Do you rent games ? I didn't know we could do that... awesome !! :D
I think I had better get an early night. My migraine is really getting to me and I am feeling quite light headed.

I hope you all have a lovely evening and a good nights sleep when you decide to go to bed.

*hugs and silly waves*
LaPtiteBete: Hum... yes, I should read the book ! I love Stephen King :)
You stay in a cave ? :D wow !! [/batman]
Do you rent games ? I didn't know we could do that... awesome !! :D
-laughs- It feels like a cave. And yes, it's very much like Batman if you take away the appearance, abilities and resources. ;)

That's what I call Steam games. It never feels like I own them, so I call them rentals instead.
ddickinson: I think I had better get an early night. My migraine is really getting to me and I am feeling quite light headed.

I hope you all have a lovely evening and a good nights sleep when you decide to go to bed.

*hugs and silly waves*
Hope you get to feeling better by morning. Have a good night.
Post edited July 15, 2015 by CarrionCrow
ddickinson: I think I had better get an early night. My migraine is really getting to me and I am feeling quite light headed.

I hope you all have a lovely evening and a good nights sleep when you decide to go to bed.

*hugs and silly waves*
Good night DD, sleep well.
ddickinson: I think I had better get an early night. My migraine is really getting to me and I am feeling quite light headed.

I hope you all have a lovely evening and a good nights sleep when you decide to go to bed.

*hugs and silly waves*
*big goodnight and get well hug for the Battle Sis*
Sleep well. Hopefully you'll feel better quickly.
ddickinson: I think I had better get an early night. My migraine is really getting to me and I am feeling quite light headed.

I hope you all have a lovely evening and a good nights sleep when you decide to go to bed.

*hugs and silly waves*
I wish you a good night DD and i hope that your migraine will go away soon and that you can sleep well *big good night hug*
See you tomorrow :)

On another note: Question to all Terraria players here. Any idea for a fast way to farm Falling Stars? Need them for the Star Cannon....

Skybridge would be one way but that might block metorite crashs...
Post edited July 15, 2015 by ElTerprise
Looks like I'm stuck in France... tant pis, France is awesome :-D
AgentBirdnest: Looks like I'm stuck in France... tant pis, France is awesome :-D
Why are you stuck in France? And you un-french'd your avatar...;)
ElTerprise: Why are you stuck in France? And you un-french'd your avatar...;)
Aw, now it's fixed... I tried to change my location back to United States, but it was stuck on France for about 10 minutes :-p
Bastille Day is over in France as of 23 minutes ago, so I must return to my boring American life :-(
Post edited July 15, 2015 by AgentBirdnest
AgentBirdnest: Aw, now it's fixed... I tried to change my location back to United States, but it was stuck on France for about 10 minutes :-p
Bastille Day is over in France as of 23 minutes ago, so I must return to my boring American life :-(
Didn't actually realise that your location stated France...;)
Yes i know. Same timezone ;)

Boring American Life....hmmm...any idea on how to make it more exciting? :)
Post edited July 15, 2015 by ElTerprise
I am sleepy.