CarrionCrow: Well, there was good stuff at least. Sorry to hear you're having to deal with little ones being sick, though.
Read the book that was based on years ago. Never got around to watching the TV version.
It's cooler than it has been, but it's still warm if I leave the nice dark cave area with a fan that I spend most of my time in.
Have been going through my rentals, downloading bunches of stuff so I can work on my backlog there.
Stuff that stands out would be things like Deus Ex Human Revolution, Sleeping Dogs, Final Fantasy 3, the old Macventure games I picked up recently, Orcs Must Die, Alpha Protocol, Resident Evil 4, Company of Heroes, Dark Souls, the new X-Com, Just Cause 1 and 2, lots of stuff that managed to fall through the cracks while I've been focusing on acquiring more and more GOG games.
Hum... yes, I should read the book ! I love Stephen King :)
Do you rent games ? I didn't know we could do that... awesome !! :D