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j0ekerr: Aah diablo, champion of time wasters, avatar of procastrination, bane of productivity.

Let me recount an anecdote about my favorite subject, me, and something not so favorite, WoW.

I played WoW for 3 months once, urged by a friend, and a desire to: "find out once and for all what the flying fuck is up with this game and everybody's grandmother."

During those 3 months I played the damn game for no other reason than: "this thing costs money so I'm wasting it if I don't play."

When my subscription expired, I felt three things.
1- That I had achieved absolutely nothing (not even having fun)
2- That I was going to miss absolutely nothing.
3- Liberated.

And in the end the question of "Why do all these people play WoW?" became an even greater mystery to me.
I had more fun playing Neverwinter. (At first, anyway.)

I tried WOW, was a paying member, found a guild or clan or whatever to get into, and it was still like watching paint dry.
I wasn't going to be a part of anything that might be interesting unless I was willing to sink hundreds of hours into it, if not more.
Ended up letting my subscription end, deleted it and that was that.

I've been looking at Victor Vran, and it seems like an action-RPG with a lot more life to it.
Have also tried a bit of the Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing and it seemed interesting.

There's more to the genre than the loop of kill/loot/kill/loot/kill/loot/sell crap/kill/loot/repeat ad nauseam.

Think I have maybe two more titles to try in that genre for the moment - Din's Curse, which looks appealing since the world is actually involved in the events of the game, and Sacred, which I enjoyed well enough years ago, never completed, but want to give another shot just to see how large the world is in that series.
j0ekerr: I have come to the conclusion, that I hate Tim Burton and his emo hair.

I have plans to build a rocket to launch everyone who claims the Burton 1989 movie was better than the Nolan trilogy, right into the sun.
Peewee's Big Adventure kicked ass. It was all downhill from there :-p
AgentBirdnest: That sounds about right :-p
(I'd bet a month's supply of peanut butter that that pic is in my hometown... I can just feel it....)
You mean, the place where a famous movie (from a Stephen King novel) has been filmed ? ;-p
But you can't prove that kid is from there... you'll never get your month of peanut butter !! :D
LaPtiteBete: You mean, the place where a famous movie (from a Stephen King novel) has been filmed ? ;-p
But you can't prove that kid is from there... you'll never get your month of peanut butter !! :D
Yeah, same place B-|
Hey, I was right about that kid from youtube who had his wisdom teeth removed :-D I'm good at this...
j0ekerr: I have come to the conclusion, that I hate Tim Burton and his emo hair.

I have plans to build a rocket to launch everyone who claims the Burton 1989 movie was better than the Nolan trilogy, right into the sun.

I keep needing more storage space.
I would include the second Nolan Batman movie next to the original and Batman Returns as the best three of the bunch.

Unfortunately, and despite thinking he's great in American Psycho, Christian Bale doesn't stack up well next to Liam Neeson, Michael Caine, Morgan Freeman, Gary Oldman or Heath Ledger.
At this point, I still prefer Michael Keaton.

I remember watching the last Nolan Batman movie and wanting it to be over 2 hours into a 2 hour, 40 minute movie.
Post edited July 14, 2015 by CarrionCrow
CarrionCrow: I had more fun playing Neverwinter. (At first, anyway.)

I tried WOW, was a paying member, found a guild or clan or whatever to get into, and it was still like watching paint dry.
I wasn't going to be a part of anything that might be interesting unless I was willing to sink hundreds of hours into it, if not more.
Ended up letting my subscription end, deleted it and that was that.

I've been looking at Victor Vran, and it seems like an action-RPG with a lot more life to it.
Have also tried a bit of the Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing and it seemed interesting.

There's more to the genre than the loop of kill/loot/kill/loot/kill/loot/sell crap/kill/loot/repeat ad nauseam.

Think I have maybe two more titles to try in that genre for the moment - Din's Curse, which looks appealing since the world is actually involved in the events of the game, and Sacred, which I enjoyed well enough years ago, never completed, but want to give another shot just to see how large the world is in that series.
I just can't quite get into the whole ARPG genre, it tires me out extremely soon.

And I say this while having a dozen or so ARPG games in my accounts.

I much prefer Turn Based Strategy, mostly because of its relaxed pace, I can take my time without pressure and think about what my next move should be.without any urging or fear of getting swamped by mobs.
On a completely unrelated note. Chocolate chip Cookies of the extremely large american kind.
I mentioned yesterday that I expected them to be crunchy, instead, when I bit one, I found that its texture was more like a very hard brownie than a biscuit.

Is that how they're really supposed to be? Or are these really badly made?
CarrionCrow: I would include the second Nolan Batman movie next to the original and Batman Returns as the best three of the bunch.

Unfortunately, and despite thinking he's great in American Psycho, Christian Bale doesn't stack up well next to Liam Neeson, Michael Caine, Morgan Freeman, Gary Oldman or Heath Ledger.
At this point, I still prefer Michael Keaton.

I remember watching the last Nolan Batman movie and wanting it to be over 2 hours into a 2 hour, 40 minute movie.
Okay, need to make room in the rocket for one evil eyed pigeon fancier. Sigh, back to the drawing board.

I despise the first movie, I don't really care about Keaton, he was great as Bettlejuice, but I think he made a poor Batman. And I can't even watch the second, because I spend 90% of the time facepalming. Nicholson however, I did like, a lot. Even if I grew to hate the "I made you but you made me first" bit.

That said, Bale's voice does annoy me. I'm watching a movie about a guy who dresses in a dracula cape to fight crime, I think my suspension of disbelief can stand a less raspy voice.
Thank you Andre, I'll have the Veal Picatta.

Wait, wrong movie.........

I'm the Batman!

There we go.
j0ekerr: Okay, need to make room in the rocket for one evil eyed pigeon fancier. Sigh, back to the drawing board.

I despise the first movie, I don't really care about Keaton, he was great as Bettlejuice, but I think he made a poor Batman. And I can't even watch the second, because I spend 90% of the time facepalming. Nicholson however, I did like, a lot. Even if I grew to hate the "I made you but you made me first" bit.

That said, Bale's voice does annoy me. I'm watching a movie about a guy who dresses in a dracula cape to fight crime, I think my suspension of disbelief can stand a less raspy voice.
I wouldn't mind a turn-based Battletech game, but it sounds like it's being run through the online game grinder, so who knows when something like what I want will show up.

There are different types, depending on who's making them. Some are very soft, some are crunchy. The soft texture seems to be the prevalent one in this country from what I've seen.

I like Keaton because it feels like he's a nutcase who decided to dress up like a bat to fight crime.
I get a response from him that feels more like what my response would be if someone tried that in real life.

To me, Heath Ledger really did a great job of making Christian Bale's performance so much worse by comparison.
He killed it and did so with remarkable subtlety at times, whereas it sounds like Bale's trying way too hard every single time he talks.
EndreWhiteMane: Thank you Andre, I'll have the Veal Picatta.

Wait, wrong movie.........

I'm the Batman!

There we go.
Just don't try wearing the plastic costume in the heat. You'll pass out.
Post edited July 14, 2015 by CarrionCrow
I'm retiring for the night, see y'all on the other side, and don't do anything I wouldn't.
j0ekerr: I'm retiring for the night, see y'all on the other side, and don't do anything I wouldn't.
Night, and I won't. ;)
j0ekerr: I'm retiring for the night, see y'all on the other side, and don't do anything I wouldn't.
Have a good night, sleep well. =)
Re-downloading some of my Linux games from Humble - they've mostly been gathering dust, may as well test 'em in Arch Linux and play 'em!

(maybe with a newer computer I can FINALLY play Rogue Legacy! YES!!!!)

Also Jedi Knight DF 2 and KotOR 2 have been on hold since my previous laptop died. Maybe I should set those up as well.
BillyMaysFan59: Re-downloading some of my Linux games from Humble - they've mostly been gathering dust, may as well test 'em in Arch Linux and play 'em!

(maybe with a newer computer I can FINALLY play Rogue Legacy! YES!!!!)

Also Jedi Knight DF 2 and KotOR 2 have been on hold since my previous laptop died. Maybe I should set those up as well.
Rogue Legacy is fun. Weird that you'd need a new computer for it, doesn't seem like it'd take much in the way of resources.
CarrionCrow: Rogue Legacy is fun. Weird that you'd need a new computer for it, doesn't seem like it'd take much in the way of resources.
Well here are the specs for my old laptop, as posted in another thread:

(yeah I honestly don't know why it wouldn't work well either, it just tanked along at an unplayable framerate... not enough RAM perhaps?)

My previous laptop, just for the heck of it:

MODEL: ThinkPad T60p
CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo (Merom) 2.0, 2.16 or 2.33 GHz CPU (copied from ThinkWiki, not exactly sure how fast the CPU was)
GPU: ATI Mobility FireGL V5200 (256 MB VRAM) (I think that's the model it had)
HDD: WD Black 750GB Notebook Hard Drive (previously a 100?GB HDD)
DISPLAY: 15.0'' IPS (1400x1050 resolution)
OS: Debian 8.1 "Jessie" (previously Debian 6 "Squeeze" dual-booted with MS Windows XP OEM on the old HDD)
Post edited July 14, 2015 by BillyMaysFan59