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ElTerprise: Hope so too because otherwise it would've been a really unreasonable decision...
Sure will tell you which ending i chose when i finish the game :)
It's not a very long game, but worth playing. I actually wanted to know more about what had happened. I even looked to see if it was based on a book, but no luck. I would have loved to read what happened in the events leading up to the game.
ddickinson: You're Arnold Vosloo? :-)
I'm hotep.

Deadpan silence.
ddickinson: It's not a very long game, but worth playing. I actually wanted to know more about what had happened. I even looked to see if it was based on a book, but no luck. I would have loved to read what happened in the events leading up to the game.
Well from i've seen of that game i hope there will be more. (I Know the beginning from a youtube video)
j0ekerr: I'm hotep.

Deadpan silence.
That film was terrible. And the sequels just got worse. Well, I heard they were worse, I have only seen the first one, and that was years ago. I don't even really remember too much about them.
Ah, just what my Desktop Dungeons kingdom needed - a shimmering red portal with tentacles coming out.
This is guaranteed to end well.
Post edited July 13, 2015 by CarrionCrow
moonshineshadow: :D
Oh yeah I remember those books, I had some of them.
I kind of outgrew them, when I finally got to that book I thought it suffered from insufferably stupid plot holes and infantilism. So I dropped it.

Which is a shame because to this day, I still think Anna and Anton's relationship was adorable. I was pretty much reading the books for them at that point.
ElTerprise: Well from i've seen of that game i hope there will be more. (I Know the beginning from a youtube video)
I won't get my hopes up. I think another game would be pushing it, a novel would be nice, but I would think a second game would be hard to make without just repeating the gameplay and style of the first game. Not that I would mind, but many would not react positively to it just being the same.
ddickinson: I guess it could have been an oversight, I sure hope so, as it was annoying. When you get around to playing The Swapper, and seeing your ending, I will tell you which I picked first. I think I picked the better one. The game has a nice philosophical element to the story sometimes. It's nothing groundbreaking, but it was a nice story.
ElTerprise: Hope so too because otherwise it would've been a really unreasonable decision...
Sure will tell you which ending i chose when i finish the game :)
Likewise I will share the ending when I get there maybe a group of us can "Swap"per opinions then ;)
I need to get some sleep *good night hugs and waves*
cecil: Likewise I will share the ending when I get there maybe a group of us can "Swap"per opinions then ;)
That would be interesting. Some of the story is left to interpretation, so it would be nice getting the different views on it.

moonshineshadow: I need to get some sleep *good night hugs and waves*
Goodnight, Moonshine! I hope you have a lovely sleep and wake up fully refreshed, and that your headache will be completely gone after a good nights sleep.

*big goodnight hug*
moonshineshadow: I need to get some sleep *good night hugs and waves*
Have a good night, sleep well, hope you're feeling better in the morning. =)
CarrionCrow: ...
Good evening, Crow!

How are you today?
ddickinson: That film was terrible. And the sequels just got worse. Well, I heard they were worse, I have only seen the first one, and that was years ago. I don't even really remember too much about them.
Oy! The first one was okay, it was a cheesy action movie, but not so cheesy that it made you want to dip nachos in it. The second one was... meh, let's forget about that one.
j0ekerr: Oy! The first one was okay, it was a cheesy action movie, but not so cheesy that it made you want to dip nachos in it. The second one was... meh, let's forget about that one.
Wasn't there a third one that had no mummies in it?
ddickinson: I won't get my hopes up. I think another game would be pushing it, a novel would be nice, but I would think a second game would be hard to make without just repeating the gameplay and style of the first game. Not that I would mind, but many would not react positively to it just being the same.
You're probably right....but i like those more philosophical science-fiction stories.

cecil: Likewise I will share the ending when I get there maybe a group of us can "Swap"per opinions then ;)
That would be good :)
moonshineshadow: I need to get some sleep *good night hugs and waves*
Good night Moon *big good night hugs* Sleep well and see you tomorrow :)

CarrionCrow: (...)
Hello Crow how are you doing?
ddickinson: Wasn't there a third one that had no mummies in it?
Yes. The third one was set in China....
Post edited July 13, 2015 by ElTerprise