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CarrionCrow: There's one problem. Barefoot Monkey hasn't yet been able to circumvent the GOG sorting setup, so even if you list your games alphabetically, the order's screwed up.
Aside from that, though, previous functionality has been restored. GOGWiki's useful again, everything can be posted there.
We still don't have gif support though...

Don't blink!
BillyMaysFan59: Sort of. On Arch I have both KDE and XFCE set up. One of Debian's main goals is to be "stable", meaning that a lot of the software that goes with it (and is in the repository) will be older, or not the latest versions. That's because "shiny new stuff" can tend to be pretty buggy. Arch Linux, on the other hand, is all about bleeding edge software. Whenever you update it, you get the latest "shiny new stuff".

Debian uses KDE 4, but now there's a KDE 5 apparently, so that's what Arch uses. It crashed on me a couple times, so I might switch back to XFCE. (haven't experienced any problems with that yet)
From what i've seen of it KDE 5 looks really great but i can imagine that it's somewhat buggy. I really like XFCE :).
My XFCE 4 desktop on Arch Linux running a native Linux (SDL) port of the classic platformer Abuse. (you'll find the game in the official Arch package repository)
Good evening, everyone!

I hope you have all had a lovely day?
BillyMaysFan59: My XFCE 4 desktop on Arch Linux running a native Linux (SDL) port of the classic platformer Abuse. (you'll find the game in the official Arch package repository)
Looks pretty neat as well. Is it a Arch specific version of XFCE or the vanilla one?

ddickinson: Good evening, everyone!

I hope you have all had a lovely day?
Good evening DD *big hug*
Yup had a good day - what about you?
ElTerprise: Good evening DD *big hug*
Yup had a good day - what about you?
Good evening!

Glad to hear you had a good day.

I am doing good, very tired after a hard day, but doing good. I am not really looking forward to my scans tomorrow, but at least they will be done and out the way. But I had a wonderful and special evening, so I am doing good.

*return hug*
ddickinson: Good evening, everyone!

I hope you have all had a lovely day?
*dying from heat hug* That should answer your question ;-)
You guys sound so smart ô__ô
I think I've understood about 4 words between Billy and ElT over the last hour :-)
AgentBirdnest: You guys sound so smart ô__ô
I think I've understood about 4 words between Billy and ElT over the last hour :-)
Just put it in the "not windows" stuff category and you are fine ;-)
moonshineshadow: Just put it in the "not windows" stuff category and you are fine ;-)
I can barely handle windows... I wouldn't even want to attempt "not windows". [/tech moron] :-)
Post edited July 08, 2015 by AgentBirdnest
moonshineshadow: *dying from heat hug* That should answer your question ;-)
Is the weather still no better for you? That is not good. How are you other than dying from the heat? Is work going well?

*big cooling hug with some ice cold sugar-free lemonade*
Hmm...just got an update for BE....

ddickinson: Good evening!

Glad to hear you had a good day.

I am doing good, very tired after a hard day, but doing good. I am not really looking forward to my scans tomorrow, but at least they will be done and out the way. But I had a wonderful and special evening, so I am doing good.

*return hug*
Glad to hear that and best of luck for your scans :)
AgentBirdnest: I can barely handle windows... I wouldn't even want to attempt "not windows". [/tech moron] :-)
Or put it in the "nerd talk" category. :-)
moonshineshadow: Just put it in the "not windows" stuff category and you are fine ;-)
AgentBirdnest: I can barely handle windows... I wouldn't even want to attempt "not windows". [/tech moron] :-)
I have to admit I was often thinking about trying Linux but was always to lazy to really do it :D
AgentBirdnest: You guys sound so smart ô__ô
I think I've understood about 4 words between Billy and ElT over the last hour :-)
:D...we were only talking about different wasn't even a deep LInux discussion....:) (remember i'm a linux newbie)