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Think i'm going to sleep now. Goodnight everyone!
*good night hugs and waves* :)
ElTerprise: Think i'm going to sleep now. Goodnight everyone!
*good night hugs and waves* :)
Good night sir, sleep well.
I wish more games (especially RPGs) would find a way to import saves from previous games. I can understand not wanting the player to breeze the the entire game because they maxed every skill out in the previous game, and that some games get heavily retooled between series entries making carrying over specific stats/skills/etc near impossible but surely there is a decent compromise like starting the player out at say...level five or level ten instead of level one. Would it really be *that* hard to program the ability to check for a save file from the previous game and whether it reached end game status, thus triggering higher stats in the new game?
NoNewTaleToTell: I wish more games (especially RPGs) would find a way to import saves from previous games. I can understand not wanting the player to breeze the the entire game because they maxed every skill out in the previous game, and that some games get heavily retooled between series entries making carrying over specific stats/skills/etc near impossible but surely there is a decent compromise like starting the player out at say...level five or level ten instead of level one. Would it really be *that* hard to program the ability to check for a save file from the previous game and whether it reached end game status, thus triggering higher stats in the new game?
Hello! I completely agree. But there are quite a few where this is employed to some degree at least, right?
I'd guess Crow knows about this stuff a lot more than I. ^_^
We could do some kind of list about rpgs where it has been done well...

Anyhow Good Morning to All! - I'm such a busybody these days gotta run to work again.
anyone know how to look for friends on here and add them?
NoNewTaleToTell: I wish more games (especially RPGs) would find a way to import saves from previous games. I can understand not wanting the player to breeze the the entire game because they maxed every skill out in the previous game, and that some games get heavily retooled between series entries making carrying over specific stats/skills/etc near impossible but surely there is a decent compromise like starting the player out at say...level five or level ten instead of level one. Would it really be *that* hard to program the ability to check for a save file from the previous game and whether it reached end game status, thus triggering higher stats in the new game?
I think it doesn't happen a lot because it's a balance issue.

From what I remember, Baldur's Gate does it, and they manage to sidestep the difficulty issue by allowing someone to either import a stronger character from the first game, or the player can start with a new character that has a higher level.

Most designers aren't willing to set up two different experiences.
If a player doesn't have a save file to import and everything is balanced for stronger characters, the player will get their teeth kicked in. If the starting area is populated with nothing but weak enemies and a player imports a save so they're way stronger, it'll get boring fast since there's no challenge.
Post edited July 07, 2015 by illuminousflux
ddickinson: "Mutt and Jeff" is also Cockney rhyming slang for "deaf". If I remember correctly, the saying is based on two comic book characters from the early 1900s, but don't quote me on that, as I could be remembering it wrong.

I hope you have a lovely day, and that the heat will not be too bad for you.
Hi DD, good to reconnect with you, and thank you for the information, it was all new to me. :-)

Not much to be done about the heat, except rely on the knowledge that sooner or later it will go away.

Hope all goes well for Wednesday - will be thinking of you.

devon10940: anyone know how to look for friends on here and add them?
Gog didn't organise that very well - you first have to find posts by the people you want to befriend, either in this thread topic or in others, as you can't search for them by email or username.

There are a lot of 'friends' threads in the general forum, if you search there. Here's the first one I found:

To add a friend, hover your cursor over their avatar, and click on the 'invite to friend' option - you have to wait for the person to accept.

Btw, did you manage to post your query in the Witcher thread, or would you like me to post it for you?

Hope everyone is well and has a great day.
Post edited July 07, 2015 by ZenWan
ddickinson: "Mutt and Jeff" is also Cockney rhyming slang for "deaf". If I remember correctly, the saying is based on two comic book characters from the early 1900s, but don't quote me on that, as I could be remembering it wrong.

I hope you have a lovely day, and that the heat will not be too bad for you.
ZenWan: Hi DD, good to reconnect with you, and thank you for the information, it was all new to me. :-)

Not much to be done about the heat, except rely on the knowledge that sooner or later it will go away.

Hope all goes well for Wednesday - will be thinking of you.

devon10940: anyone know how to look for friends on here and add them?
ZenWan: Gog didn't organise that very well - you first have to find posts by the people you want to befriend, either in this thread topic or in others, as you can't search for them by email or username.

There are a lot of 'friends' threads in the general forum, if you search there. Here's the first one I found:

To add a friend, hover your cursor over their avatar, and click on the 'invite to friend' option - you have to wait for the person to accept.

Btw, did you manage to post your query in the Witcher thread, or would you like me to post it for you?

Hope everyone is well and has a great day.
Good morning. =)

A question for you - what is Portugal like during the winter months?
Good morning, everyone!

How are you all today? Hopefully doing well?

ZenWan: Hi DD, good to reconnect with you, and thank you for the information, it was all new to me. :-)

Not much to be done about the heat, except rely on the knowledge that sooner or later it will go away.

Hope all goes well for Wednesday - will be thinking of you.
I don't know a lot of Cockney rhyming slang, but Mutt & Jeff is one of the few I have heard used. So I am not surprises it's new to you, even those from the UK know very little about it. It was mainly used in a small part of London, and virtually no where else.

That is true about the weather. I guess you are used to the heat, not that it makes it easier to cope with, but it seems that people from hotter regions tent to cope better with the heat, and less so with the cold.

Thank you for your kind comment about Wednesday.

I hope you have a lovely day, and that the weather will not be too hot for you.
*walks into thread... steals all the donuts...*

Morning, everyone!
Tuesday! Hopefully a new release, as usual. I predict NOLF :-)

edit : ninja'd? >:-O
Post edited July 07, 2015 by AgentBirdnest
ddickinson: Good morning, everyone!

How are you all today? Hopefully doing well?
Morning, DD.
Doing okay here. Nothing special to speak of, but nothing bad either. So... win \o/

How about yourself?

By the way, I'm on the lookout for a young lady who has been besmirching my good name...
LaPtiteBete: Yeah, Agent is a wuss :D hihi
If anyone sees her, please let me know >:-p
9 o'clock and already 29C

Morning people how are you doing?
Good morning, dear fellows :)
How are you doing ??
**Big hugs and coffee (or tea)**
Good morning/afternoon/evening, everyone. =)

Always good to see familiar faces, hopefully you're all doing well today.