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mchack: don't want to spam this glorious thread so I'm keeping this post very small: Just a heads up that I started my first Giveaway :D
LaPtiteBete: Good morning mchack !
Ho, a giveaway... awesome !! thanks for your generosity... have some +1 :)
(and you're not spamming at all !)
thanks :) hope it catches up ... I'm keen on reading up on all those overlooked games (there must be some :)
LaPtiteBete: Good morning mchack !
Ho, a giveaway... awesome !! thanks for your generosity... have some +1 :)
(and you're not spamming at all !)
mchack: thanks :) hope it catches up ... I'm keen on reading up on all those overlooked games (there must be some :)
Here is one of mine :D
Hello, again!

*hugs and waves to all the new arrivals.*

AgentBirdnest: Morning, DD.
Doing okay here. Nothing special to speak of, but nothing bad either. So... win \o/

How about yourself?

By the way, I'm on the lookout for a young lady who has been besmirching my good name...
Good morning, Agent!

Glad to to hear you are doing okay. Just okay? We need to think of a way to fix that. :-)

I am doing good, a bit tired, but other than that I have no complaints.

Who has been besmirching your good name?

*big morning hug*

LaPtiteBete: Good morning, dear fellows :)
How are you doing ??
**Big hugs and coffee (or tea)**
Good morning, Chicken-Owl! (because I put you in a chicken outfit when you passed out naked.) :-)

I hope you are doing well today? If you have already answered that question then feel free to ignore it, I am still catching up with the thread.

I am doing good, just getting ready to help my sister-in-law butcher a few pigs. She want's to learn more about it all for when she takes over her family's butchers. Do you want any part of the pig saving for your dinner? :-)

*big happy hug*

CarrionCrow: Good morning/afternoon/evening, everyone. =)

Always good to see familiar faces, hopefully you're all doing well today.
Good morning, Crow!

I hope you are doing well today?

moonshineshadow: *good morning hugs and waves*
Good morning, Moonshine!

Did you manage to get some sleep last night? How are you today?

*big morning hug*

j0ekerr: Didn't manage to sleep tonight, a combination of heat and a late and far too long siesta.

I'm off to fight in the weeabo wars some more.

I find myself wishing I could play the bad guys and annihilate the goddamn weeabo idiots.
Good morning!

What is the Weeabo Wars?
GreenDamsel: Good morning, everyone.
Good Morning, Damsel !! :)
CarrionCrow: -laughs- Might as well. If I can't have fun with good games, might as well torture myself with bad ones.
I'm pretty sure you can have both :D
what would be your favorite games of all time, by the way ? :) if you had to chose a Top-5 ?
AgentBirdnest: You called me a wuss >:-O ... though, to be fair, that is entirely accurate. Sorry.
**drops staple remover, offers hug**
Glad to hear you are well :-)
The statute of limitations has expired, you should have seen it yesterday... plus, you don't deny it's true... so it wasn't an insult... >:-|
**Kick staple remover far away**
Post edited July 07, 2015 by LaPtiteBete
mchack: thanks :) hope it catches up ... I'm keen on reading up on all those overlooked games (there must be some :)
moonshineshadow: Here is one of mine :D
hehe, thanks. I upvoted it and took the liberty to also post the link in the Giveaway ;) hope you don't mind
mchack: thanks :) hope it catches up ... I'm keen on reading up on all those overlooked games (there must be some :)
moonshineshadow: Here is one of mine :D
I've +1 it even if I don't think I would play that one ; but I'd be happy if it was released specially for you ;-p
I put the wishlists I wanted to help directly on machack giveaway post (now, that's spam :"D hihi)
ddickinson: Glad to to hear you are doing okay. Just okay? We need to think of a way to fix that. :-)

I am doing good, a bit tired, but other than that I have no complaints.

Who has been besmirching your good name?

*big morning hug*
Yeah, just okay... Not bad, though. I might feel better if everyone gave you some +1s for your generosity :-) Glad you are good!

Owl called me a wuss last night... but the situation has been resolved. Turns out I am a wuss :-) I couldn't stay mad at such a beautiful little creature anyway...

*return morning hug*
LaPtiteBete: The statute of limitations has expired, you should have seen it yesterday... plus, you don't deney it's true... so it wasn't an insult... >:-|
**Kick staple remover far away**
Alright, alright... I'm sorry. I'll be good, I promise.
Hope your evening with friends goes well tonight :-)
**Wussy hug**
Post edited July 07, 2015 by AgentBirdnest
ddickinson: Good morning, Chicken-Owl! (because I put you in a chicken outfit when you passed out naked.) :-)

I hope you are doing well today? If you have already answered that question then feel free to ignore it, I am still catching up with the thread.

I am doing good, just getting ready to help my sister-in-law butcher a few pigs. She want's to learn more about it all for when she takes over her family's butchers. Do you want any part of the pig saving for your dinner? :-)

*big happy hug*
(Chicken-Owl >__o aaaaw... I should look ridiculous... someone, give me a mirror, quick... ,,'',,',',,':-| ...)
Good morning, lovely DD ! **Big happy hug**
Come on ; I'll never ignore you. I'm doing good, thanks !! :) Glad that you're doing good too...
I'll stay far away from your butchery stage... but, well, since you offer it, I'd be glad to take some ribs for a barbecue... **slurp**... (poor little pigs... >__o ... why are you so tasty...)
AgentBirdnest: Alright, alright... I'm sorry. I'll be good, I promise.
Hope your evening with friends goes well tonight :-)
**Wussy hug**
**Extra tight nevermind-hug** ...
It'll go well, thanks !! Have you some nice plans too for today ?
(... and also... stop calling my favorite Agent a wuss or I kick your ass >;-p)
Post edited July 07, 2015 by LaPtiteBete
AgentBirdnest: Yeah, just okay... Not bad, though. I might feel better if everyone gave you some +1s for your generosity :-) Glad you are good!

Owl called me a wuss last night... but the situation has been resolved. Turns out I am a wuss :-) I couldn't stay mad at such a beautiful little creature anyway...

*return morning hug*
A +1 is not necessary, so how about we skip that and you just feel better. :-)

I remember that. I see you tried to show her you were not a wuss, but then got scared of her kicking your arse. Smart move. Just look at what she did to that intruder we had a while ago. There was blood everywhere. :-)

*big Tuesday and fingers crossed for NOLF being the new game today hug*

LaPtiteBete: (Chicken-Owl >__o aaaaw... I should look ridiculous... someone, give me a mirror, quick... ,,'',,',',,':-| ...)
Good morning, lovely DD ! **Big happy hug**
Come on ; I'll never ignore you. I'm doing good, thanks !! :) Glad that you're doing good too...
I'll stay far away from your butchery stage... but, well, since you offer it, I'd be glad to take some ribs for a barbecue... **slurp**... (poor little pigs... >__o ... why are you so tasty...)
You don't like the chicken costume? Would you have rather I left you there all naked for all the guys to stumble upon in the morning? *thinks to self "maybe she would have preferred that, she is French."* :-)

I am glad to hear you are doing good today. Do you have anything nice planned, other than your lovely evening with your friends, which I hope will go great?

Are you sure you don't want to help, it's quite interesting, and you can use virtually all of the pig. So some ribs it is. *cuts off some ribs just for Owl's barbecue*

That will be 4 hugs for the ribs. :-)

*big hug*
Post edited July 07, 2015 by ddickinson
LaPtiteBete: **Extra tight nevermind-hug** ...
It'll go well, thanks !! Have you some nice plans too for today ?
(... and also... stop calling my favorite Agent a wuss or I kick your ass >;-p)
Depends on your definition of "some", "nice", and "plans"... I imagine I'll drink some water, and perhaps spend some time breathing... I'll get back to you if anything more interesting comes up ;-)
(o__o ... be nice to my ass! I use it all the time!)
**Big-ass hug** n__o
Good morning!

How are you all doing!?

I'm feeling awesome today! *Moonwalks into the room*
AgentBirdnest: (o__o ... be nice to my ass! I use it all the time!)
You have a donkey? I did not know that. What do you call your ass? :-)

Soccorro: Good morning!

How are you all doing!?

I'm feeling awesome today! *Moonwalks into the room*
Good morning!

That is some fancy footwork. Just look out for that manhole without a cover over it…. *splash* … too late. :-)
Post edited July 07, 2015 by ddickinson
ddickinson: Hello, again!

*hugs and waves to all the new arrivals.*

Good morning, Crow!

I hope you are doing well today?
Doing all right here. Just made some more coffee, will be doing better when it's ready. =)

Other than that it's a pretty standard evening. Sounds like you're having far more excitement than I am.
LaPtiteBete: I'm pretty sure you can have both :D
what would be your favorite games of all time, by the way ? :) if you had to chose a Top-5 ?
I'm not particularly good at compiling lists like that. I can mention things I like, things I think are good, things I hate, but I don't narrow things down. It all depends on mood.
Post edited July 07, 2015 by CarrionCrow
CarrionCrow: Doing all right here. Just made some more coffee, will be doing better when it's ready. =)

Other than that it's a pretty standard evening. Sounds like you're having far more excitement than I am.
More coffee sounds good. Not for me, I can't stand the stuff, but I know most of the regulars here love it, and drink it by the gallon. :-)

My morning should be quite easy, just some normal tasks, then helping my sister-in-law with some butchering. This afternoon will be a lot harder, but at least the weather is not too bad today.
Good noon everyone!

*Hands out a pack of pralines to everybody*

The last few weeks have been very busy; the household, symphonies, a cousin from antwerp who visited, bicycling, and forcing myself through my calculus books. But I'm doing fine ... I'm just a bit lost in my head now school is over for the time being