Posted July 06, 2015

Generally i would agree but that's not always possible. I really appreciate that the grocery stores in the railway stations are open when i was travelling on sundays...

That was the biggest issue here, where do you draw the line as to what is a 'necessary service'?
Rail lines and emergency services but not food?
After food it was what, not clothing?
I think everyone pretty much said screw it. :-)
Everything around travel continues working on Sundays, due to the reality of Germany's place on the map in the middle of Europe (every truck and train passes through Germany).
You can buy food at gas stations at double the usual price.
I don't see how "everyone pretty much said screw it"
Why would you need clothing on one day as an emergency? And sure. You ruin a dress or whatever and have to replace it. Bad luck. Maybe not ruin your clothes on a Sunday or just drive home and pick something else.