Posted January 16, 2015
CarrionCrow: -laughs- Let's see...
Dawn of War 1 was good, Winter Assault was okay but not great, Dark Crusade's good if you don't mind no story, a lot of sameyness and some boss fights that are absolute crap unless you're using a certain army, Soulstorm is ultra-samey crap that'll drive you crazy if you want to 100 percent it, Chainsaw Warrior wasn't very good, Talisman wasn't very good, from what I've played of it Space Hulk wasn't very good, Space Hulk Ascension is overpriced but I might try it when it's cheaper, same with Warhammer Quest, Kill Team might be okay but I'd have to check reviews first, Space Marine is extremely samey and you'll do the same hit combos about 10,000 times only to be disappointed by its ridiculous piss-easy ending that's sequel bait for something that'll never arrive to boot, Blood Bowl might be okay but every time I've tried it it's gone all buggy on me, anything with the words "collection" or "deluxe" should be avoided since the people who work on Games Workshops games seem to love packing them with DLC nickel and dime bullshit, Dawn of War 2's okay but not great, Chaos Rising is okay but not great, Retribution looks like another sameyness festival not to mention that the story has to be bland enough to accommodate it being virtually identical in progression despite having six different choices for your army, and Soulstorm bears repeating because I'm learning to grow a black flower that weeps poison in the pit where my heart used to be for it, everyone associated with it, everyone who says it's something more than mindnumbing, rage-inducing rehash drek/shit/garbage, and myself for being enough of a dumbfuck to buy it in the first place.
Does that cover everything? ;)
gunsynd: Not really no:-) Dawn of War 1 was good, Winter Assault was okay but not great, Dark Crusade's good if you don't mind no story, a lot of sameyness and some boss fights that are absolute crap unless you're using a certain army, Soulstorm is ultra-samey crap that'll drive you crazy if you want to 100 percent it, Chainsaw Warrior wasn't very good, Talisman wasn't very good, from what I've played of it Space Hulk wasn't very good, Space Hulk Ascension is overpriced but I might try it when it's cheaper, same with Warhammer Quest, Kill Team might be okay but I'd have to check reviews first, Space Marine is extremely samey and you'll do the same hit combos about 10,000 times only to be disappointed by its ridiculous piss-easy ending that's sequel bait for something that'll never arrive to boot, Blood Bowl might be okay but every time I've tried it it's gone all buggy on me, anything with the words "collection" or "deluxe" should be avoided since the people who work on Games Workshops games seem to love packing them with DLC nickel and dime bullshit, Dawn of War 2's okay but not great, Chaos Rising is okay but not great, Retribution looks like another sameyness festival not to mention that the story has to be bland enough to accommodate it being virtually identical in progression despite having six different choices for your army, and Soulstorm bears repeating because I'm learning to grow a black flower that weeps poison in the pit where my heart used to be for it, everyone associated with it, everyone who says it's something more than mindnumbing, rage-inducing rehash drek/shit/garbage, and myself for being enough of a dumbfuck to buy it in the first place.
Does that cover everything? ;)