Stilton: Like you I haven't played it yet, but I looked in while the midget was playing and it looked really good. Quite dramatic in places, too, and the art style is beautiful. She really enjoyed it and has her eye on part 2.
My ratio of played to owned is pretty woeful, too. Time to rectify that. I've currently got four games installed and I'm thinking I'll add a couple more to keep the momentum rolling.
Hopefully next sale the game will be a little more affordable for you. Or failing that I will just have to gift it to you next sale (if I had known she would like the game I would have done it this sale, but I have reached my gifting limit near enough, sadly).
I played a few a while ago, smaller puzzle games and things with my partner. It's not always easy to get time to play them. What free time I have after work I like to spend with my partner, and many of my games are single player games, so it's really something we can do together (plus she is not that big on PC gaming (mainly due to the keyboard and mouse controls), she prefers the Wii and things like that). So when given the choice of gaming, or spending time doing something equally as fun with my partner, I am afraid gaming will lose every time.
Good morning, Crow!
How is the weekend treating you so far? Anything nice planned?
j0ekerr: Quite so, but I'd like to point out while it was agreed that Love for Sail was an okay game, it fell quite short of the triumphant return for our favorite disco-suited playboy midget.
Imho, most of the merit in the Leisure Suit Larry series comes from the fact that they were the first ones to do it. And do it right. The games had enough humour to engage the player unlike earlier attempts that
were just nasty.
I have not played any of them yet, so I was only going on what I have been told. I own two of the three games, but I have just not had the time, or being in the mood to play the Larry games.