ddickinson: I see. First no hugs, and now I am being told to go away. Okay. I know when I am not wanted
*slowly walks away to be all alone with head held low* :-)
I have some documents for work that I want to finish going over, plus I can't sleep. I am sat up in bed, so it won't be hard for me to just get to sleep when I am tired. I will try to get some sleep in a little while, once I have finished reading the part I am on.
*big return hug* Haha :-) of course not. You're always wanted.
And..... you're still there !!! o__o .... you're not being reasonnable, young lady....... seriously, I hope you'll have some decent sleep... :-\
EndreWhiteMane: Let's all play....
Spot the Looney! I got it !!!!!! :D
LaPtiteBete: Among the Sleep. :"| ..... [shame]
ddickinson: I never liked that game, especially the ending. It was a big let down for me, a bit like Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs. Are you enjoying it at least, despite it being scary for you?
Yeah.... I think I'm quite near the end... :-\ is it that sh*tty ? I enjoyed the game, yes, despite being a wuss...
pimpmonkey2382.313: Did lose my mother five years ago, was the hardest thing I've ever been through in my life, and wouldn't wish it on anyone.
:'-( ... so sorry about it... i can't imagine the pain it must be........