tinyE: Robin Hood. It's faster, easier, better mechanics, and the GOG version Desperadoes is still a little buggy; tends to crash a lot.
EndreWhiteMane: Would Robin Hood be a good 'beginners RTS' or is there something better? I don't want a 'casual' game, but at least something I can learn from.
Well, despite what a certain unhinged crimson eyeball might have been screaming about for the last couple weeks, the Dawn of War series is actually a good beginner's RTS. (
MOSTLY. WELL, HALF OF IT ANYWAY.) The first game starts simply with you as the commander of an army, then builds upon it in Winter Assault (pity that one still kinda sucks, but it's an expansion so it's not necessary), and then grows into the variety of Dark Crusade, wherein you get not one but seven different armies to choose from. (
definitely the best of the series)
I could mention Soulstorm, but seriously. Rancid, putrescent, festering, pulsating boils so large they stretch the skin until the corrupted white/red core of them is clearly visible, only when you pop the boil, it explodes in a shower of flesh-gnawing spiders that immediately attempt to devour your eyes and genitals simultaneously.
Soulstorm's kinda like that. =)