FearfulSymmetry: Oh oh. I'm going to see it tomorrow. Oh well, I've got a cinema subscription thingy, so I'll only be paying two euros or so to see it.
I guess many things suck because they stretched one book into three 3-hour films. That's just way too much, and it forces them to make up new things all the time.
penumbren: The biggest problem isn't that they made it into multiple movies - although the original plan of two would've worked far better - but that they threw timelines out the window, added in stuff that was mentioned in passing IN LORD OF THE RINGS as having happened a century *before*
The Hobbit, and added a very badly-written original character and an unneeded (and unwanted) romantic angle.
Be prepared for a 2.5-hour movie, about 1.5 hours of which is the titular battle, and at least a third of the movie is actually about elves. Which is a problem in a story that, y'know, wasn't actually about them at all.
Durin's sons do not get their due.
I waited for something like five or six years to see this movie, from the first announcement that the movies were being made. I feel like I completely wasted my time anticipating this one.
Yeah, I get what you're saying. I didn't see the need to throw in so many elf-things in the last movie, and I'm not happy to hear so much time is devoted to them in this one. I don't like the addition of all those random little tidbits mentioned in passing being thrown into the movies, and so far, I like the completely new additions even less. But I guess I'll see tomorrow.