EndreWhiteMane: Hi DD, glad to see you, see my answer to EIT.
I was just reading your reply. Sorry to hear the extra work is taking it's toll. But I am glad that you will soon be able to relax a little more and get some well earned rest.
*big comforting feel better soon hug* LaPtiteBete: I think you did already mention that she was great at massages :)
We call them "hôpitaux psychiatriques" rather than "asiles" (which sound more pejorative)... :-)
Alright, we have dirty minds, fine... I won't deny :-D and, what... you would have the sexiest accent ??..... we shall do a contest !!! >:-| I won't give up "my" sexiest accent title that easily !!... which will be our judge ?... Endre ? :-D
i am hoping they mean the regular English accent, not some of the more colourful regional accents like those spoken in Liverpool. I would not pay too much attention to the article, things like that are very subjective and change all the time. There has probably already been new surveys done that put French back up there, or maybe another language. But to be honest, if I had to choose between a French accent (as lovely as they are) and the kind of lovely posh English accent that my partner has, I would choose English any day. :-)
And I am too tired to fight it out, so how about we just let you have the sexiest accent title. I don't mind.