Posted May 27, 2015
AgentBirdnest: No skiing... We were supposed to go snowshoeing, but we never did. We made an igloo, and one of the teachers slept in it :-) ... The coolest part was hiking up a mountain at night to look at the stars, then sliding back down to the cabins lying on our backs :-D [/childhood nostalgia]
You sound like me... I don't like not knowing what to expect either... [/anxiety problems]
Oh yeah... wishlists. To be honest, I've forgotten about them since the new "Account" broke GOGWiki synchronization :'-(
Same for me... Whatever is on my wishlist. There are two more Wadjet Eye games that I'm keeping my Wadjet eye on :-p [/bad joke]
[/too many brackets] n__n
Ho... too bad for the snowshoeing ! :-| ... but awesome for the igloo :-D ... was your teacher glad to sleep in it ? Didn't he/she be too cold ?... or afraid the whole stuff collapses and buries him/her alive ? :-D hehe You sound like me... I don't like not knowing what to expect either... [/anxiety problems]
Oh yeah... wishlists. To be honest, I've forgotten about them since the new "Account" broke GOGWiki synchronization :'-(
Same for me... Whatever is on my wishlist. There are two more Wadjet Eye games that I'm keeping my Wadjet eye on :-p [/bad joke]
[/too many brackets] n__n
:'-) Ho... what amazing and cool childhood memories these are !! it sounds definitely an awesome trip !!
Humpf... anxiety sucks... and also, who is not afraid of the unknown... ** Reassuring big hug **
So... you don't know how the present wishlists work ?... do they update automatically ?... can you see mine, for example ?... did you set you public, or allow only your friends to see it ?... or nothing at all ?... (sorry... that makes quite a lot of questions :D... I should have asked you in PM... ):-| well, if we still had PM !! Tssss... [/ranting against GOG chat system])
... :-| ... Hum... I won't make any comment on that joke... n__o I'm not really the Queen of Jokes either... heheh...