Soccorro: maybe a litle bit.
Have there been any Nordic games that caught your eye?
BillyMaysFan59: Yes, thanks for asking. Camping is fun, but it's always good to be back ;)
I am glad to hear you enjoyed yourself. Do you go camping often?
FearfulSymmetry: Haha yes, I should send in a written request. :P
Yeah, I can imagine. That much stress and exhaustion gets to you eventually. I'm crossing my fingers you'll start feeling better when things quiet down! :)
I'm thinking about maybe getting Black Mirror 3 to complete the collection. I got the other two when Nordic left, and although I haven't gotten around to playing them yet, it feels weird to leave a series unfinished. :P
Make sure it is in German, that will please her and make it more likely for her to accept. :-)
Sadly things will be this way for a few more weeks yet, but I should be fine, I just can't wait for Saturday evening and Sunday when I finally get some time off. All I want right not is to be cuddled up in my nice big bed.
I have not played the first two Black Mirror games, but I picked up the third one due to the reasons you mentioned, and also to take advantage of the 75% discount if you own the other two.
penumbren: It's a project to get us a place to live and make some money while we're at it. :D More seriously, the husband wants to buy land and work on algae farming via hydroponics while we work at permaculture. There's a baby website at, but there's basically no content there yet. (I'm working on it, I swear...) We're looking at crowdfunding for part of it, although I'm not holding my breath. He's pretty set on that; I'm thinking that maybe a gofundme at the same time, for moving costs, might not be a bad idea, but I'm not sure if that irritates people. :/
And see? See?
That was why the suspicious stare. :P More seriously, you're a sweetheart, and thank you in advance. *hugs*
I don't mind wet hugs from people I like. *g* I'm sorry you're having to work such long days right now. Is this a temporary thing due to the season? I know certain parts of the year are busier for farming/ranching folks (and hey, I might end up learning that for myself in the future, at least a little...). I certainly hope you get a chance to dry off and warm up before cold sets in. That sort of chilled-to-the-bone is miserable.
Algae farming via hydroponics sound really interesting. I hope things will go great for you two and you get everything you want from it, you two deserve to be happy together.
See what? I do not know what you mean. :-)
It is due to the season, as spring is a very busy time, what with the end of the winter season and getting things ready for the summer. But it's also due to some injuries one of my brothers has (he cut his arm open quite deeply), and some other issues with another brother (who lost his niece recently), so all that is causing a lot more work at the moment.