ddickinson: I have read them all, at one time or another. I can't say I remember them all, as some I read a long time ago, but most of them are enjoyable, when you take into account their age. Are you enjoying Chaucer? Does that mean you have been reading the Canterbury Tales?
Yes, I'm actually writing my thesis on women in Chaucer's works - in this case the Legend of Good Women, Troilus and Criseyde and the Canterbury Tales. It is quite enjoyable, if only because one gets the sense that Chaucer is never entirely straight-faced in whatever he does - there's always a sense of humour, of irony, I think. And it's impressive that you've read all of Shakespeare's works! I still need to get down to that someday. :) Which one is your favourite?
LaPtiteBete: A presentation ?... when ?...
Cool about your grandmother... :-) Hope she's doing well, and that you'll spend a nice day together !...
I wish I still had my grand-mothers too... I miss them... :'-|
Next week Tuesday. I'm not looking forward to it too much. :P
Thank you! I'm sure it will be a good day. My grandmother is unfortunately not very mobile anymore and she's got some health issues, but she's always very cheery and it's nice to see her.
*big hug* I'm sorry to hear that. I still have all my grandparents save for the grandfather of the one I'm visiting tomorrow. He died when my mother was pregnant with me, so unfortunately I never got to know him, though I've heard a lot about him.