ElTerprise: Thank you. I hope so too but no news hopefully means good news (hopefully not 'good news', sorry i go for gallows humour in such situations) ...
When do you think you will find out if he is okay?
toxicTom: Ach, don't get me started, and I really need to go to bed now. Alarm goes in less than 6 hours. Let's just say it was a fairly frustrating day that was no fun for anyone and I feel really sorry for my kids who were on their own most of the day... but on the other hand behaved so disgustingly in parts that I really had problems keeping my temper. It was just shit and everyone felt bad about it in the end... :-(
A whole 6 hours sleep? What a light-weight (only joking). :-)
I am very sorry to hear you had such an unfortunate weekend. I was hoping you would have a wonderful long weekend. I will keep my fingers crossed that next weekend will be much better.
moonshineshadow: For now I will stick to the game, not sure if until the end, but probably so. I'll just play it in shorter sessions than I normally would.
As for reading, I started re-reading some of my favorite books :D
Had the sub-forum offered not hope in fixing the problem?
I love re-reading some of my favourite books, I usually do that when I am not able to give a new book the attention it requires, such as when I have such little time or I am too tired really to get into a new book like it deserves.