ElTerprise: That's a pity...it's a long weekend here because of Labour Day and we'll probably have much fun in Hamburg...because of the riots which a gonna happen for sure...:).
I'm fine execpt for the internet issues - which are hopefully resolved now. How are you?
Riots? What's going on? And don't worry. I'll still have a long weekend, because the 5th is a national holiday and I don't have classes on the 4th. In fact, I'm going to watch Star Wars with some friends that day. :P
Sorry to hear about your internet issues. I sometimes get those too and it's extremely frustrating.
Good to hear you're doing well! I'm doing fine too. I just ate dinner with my housemates and I'm planning on relaxing tonight, then getting back to work on my thesis tomorrow.
ddickinson: We have quite a few over here, especially in the summer. Not always close to where I live (due to it being a rural farming area), but there are often nice events, especially near heritage sites.
So, how long is it until you come to London to see some Shakespearian plays?
That is super nice! I think those fairs are always so much fun. I love just sitting around watching all the people in pretty clothes. :)
I'll be travelling to England on the 17th, although I'll only be in London for a single day. The rest of the week I'll be in Stratford-upon-Avon. I'm really looking forward to it! :)