ZenWan: How are things in your part of the world?
CarrionCrow: Neither do I, typically. The insulation inherent in this format helps, but even then it can begin to overwhelm.
-laughs- Yes, that is a good thing. Not sure how often I do that, but it's a goal worth working towards.
That is a truly lovely view you posted. With that to gaze upon, I could get out of my area and take things in a bit more.
Only so many times you can think to yourself, "That's a field of nothing but sand and weeds." before any possible enjoyment is lost.
Yes, definitely. Summer will be here soon, and if I'm going to be honest with myself, it's not as if I'm going to seek out other things. I'll just be here as the temperature steadily rises to a point that I grow concerned about the heat doing permanent damage to my computer, day after day, week after week for a few months.
Ever find yourself awake in the middle of the night, no particular reason, not sure whether you're not tired enough or simply unwilling to sleep, stringing together moments of distraction a few seconds or minutes at a time, until either fatigue or boredom drag you off into unconsciousness?
It's another night like that.
It's very beautiful indeed - as long as you are there early in the morning. Crowds tend to spoil it for me, not to mention the heat. Winters are better, fewer people also. I have a particular affinity for water, I don't do well in hot, dry places, so I feel for you in that desert.
No chance of using some of your game money to get a small portable aircon unit? It will cost you more in the long run if your computer gives up, and it must struggle in the heat. I have a similar problem.
I'm often awake in the middle of the night, although i go to bed early. I just lie there worrying, I have a higher degree in worrying and I'm an expert at it. ;-) I'm always happy when fatigue puts a stop to that for a while. Maybe you should force yourself to go to bed when you feel like this, just as an experiment? Not that I'm able to give advice on this problem!
ZenWan: .
How are things in your part of the world?
jdsgn: That's a beautiful photo you have there.
Thank you, jdsgn - and good morning to you. I don't think we've met before, how are things in Germany?
ElTerprise: Moin (to avoid further confusion whether it's morning or evening ^^) everyone *hugs and waves*
I'm good this morning - are you all doing good?
Moin, ElT, always good to see you. Glad you're doing well, you always seem like such a cheerful person, even when things aren't going well for you. You are a very uplifting presence in the forum. :-)