CARICATUREKILB: I remember several years ago coming home late one night in late winter and seeing a sheep giving birth in a field near the back road. Luckily, the farmer was out and about and I managed to attract his attention by flashing my car headlights.
It can be difficult keeping track of them, especially as they have a tendency to wonder off away from the flock during lambing. I check them as much as I can during the day. Usually they are fine giving birth by themselves, but a few do get in to complications, usually when the lamb is not positioned correctly.
moonshineshadow: Yes :-) The coloring of the room is quite nice (aside from the furniture)
I agree, what kind of furniture do you think would go well with the thread? We will need something big enough to seat us all on. But I guess if need be you could always sit on Endre's knee, I'm sure that would make his day. :-)
Well I need to get back to work. Take care, everyone, and have a lovely day!