EndreWhiteMane: Hi Hyper! Nice puppy. ;)
A little better today I think, less frequent loo stops at least. :-)
That is a very significant bit of betterment! Hopefully the visits will get more and more infrequent, and you get some of your strength back soon. But at least your spirits seem higher. :-)
GhostwriterDoF: Aye, my eyes saw that Endre was doing better as well,
hope you are having a good week, too, and are taking good care of yourself.
Hello, GhostwriterDoF, glad to see hat you're doing well today.
Unfortunately, it seems that I'm coming down with something. Have been feeling extremely weak and tired for no good reason for the past two days; was hoping to be doing better today, but instead I now have also muscle ache as if someone was beating me up all night long, and my eyes are burning and feeling very heavy. It's that stupid phase when you're not properly sick (yet) but not well either.
GhostwriterDoF: [...]
When you are so all aglow with kindness, that you can cast your own shadow, I don't think you can hide at all... ;)
That's very true for Moon, and a good number of peeps in our community. :-)
moonshineshadow: [...]
Also you should get a gogwiki wishlist, you are missing out of all the ninja gifting :P
I've tried to convince him, but he's resistant. Perhaps if more of us keep
pestering him, he will succumb. ;-)