LaPtiteBete: n__n Haha... I sympathize, reading the whole story...
I hope you'll work something out, for your cat :-\
I can't tell, about your dutch phrase (I don't speak a single word in dutch :-\ ... alsjeblieft ? (dammit, I would never had found the good way to write this... but at least I can say it :-D))
= "un attaque spontane d' ambetantisme des femmes intermettant" = un... what ??? ô__ô "embetantisme"... ? heehee... interesting word... je dirais plutôt : "un accès soudain d'hostilité cyclique féminine", but, well, that sounds weird anyway... n__o
Et oui... les excuses sont faites pour que l'on s'en serve, that's true !! ;-p (even if there was really no need for excuses in that case, of course !)
haha...the problem is that in Flanders a lot of dutchified french words hang arround in the vocabulary ;)
which leads to sometimes funny situations (espacially in parliament, which is half-french half-dutch speaking).
"zich ambetant gedragen", is "acting like a nuisance" (as in bad behaviour). ambetant comes from a similar french word, and you'll never hear it being said in the netherlands I think.
and another *horrible* quirk of the flemish is: "hmm, this english word looks like it could have been french at some point, let's reverse engineer it to something that sounds french and looks the same, and put it in the french text...they'll understand, bright as they are" XD
that, and plain dutchy stuff like: "vous etes combien d'annees?" "j'appelle Vanlaer", mispronounciation like "ils mettent..."-> "iels mettu-n-t" and the like...french class was hilarious, especially with the associated teacher (mr Jeff Deville) "j'ai being constantly mispronounced as "zja". he yelled: zja?! ZJA?!!! JAR-JAR (zja-zja) I know of, but THIS abomination??!" XD