ElTerprise: Maybe
this tool might help. I had.Net Framework ssues installing Office 2010 on my reinstalled Windows and it helped me... but no guarantee...
Vnlr: well, I ran the cleanup tool. So all my .NET framework stuff is gone.
Now it still can't install a new version because "another installation is in progress". So I'm stuck without .NET pffff... ;)
I'm not blaming you or anything however, I'll pop open the task manager and see what's going on there.
Hi to everyone, hope you are sleeping - or gaming - well,
It's 4.30am and I'm halfway through my first mug of coffee. Started to read through the thread, and this post caught my eye.
Firstly, Hello to you,
Vnlr, we haven't met before. I liked your choice of music, will play it a little later.
Glad to hear that you solved the problems you were having. If you do run into .NET problems again, here's a link to verify if your .NET installation is corrupted.
NET Framework Setup Verification Tool: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/astebner/archive/2008/10/13/8999004.aspx Also, instead of using the rather primitive Task Manager, try
Process Explorer: https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/bb795533.aspx It's way more powerful and a very useful little tool.
Thanks for the link you gave,
ElT, I've saved it, as .NET errors do pop up from time to time.
Editing to say what a relief it was that post went through without any problems. GoG was really weird yesterday - I hope it's sorted out whatever the problem was - although it might just be because this is a quiet time on the site. I hope there won't be another day like yesterday. :-(
Looking for another post when I noticed a typo in this one. Off with its head, I hate typos. ;-)