LaPtiteBete: Lol... usually we use whiskey (so that's an Irish coffee) or I rather use cognac (it is called French coffee)... but I hardly ever have some... (only, and rarely, at the restaurant... I can't make them...)
j0ekerr: Ah, the "carajillo" pronounced kar-ah-hi-joh. but with brandy and none of that fancy-schmancy poofter cognac. Sure to put hair on your chest.
LaPtiteBete: Ho, I have them all... Great comics ! :) (do we say "comics" for this kind of books ?.... I'm not sure...)
j0ekerr: Bande desinée?
If you want a beverage that will sprout hair while simultaneously eroding your will to live, try this festive concoction I came up with a while back -
Take half a cup of cheap egg nog, then fill the other half of it with some even cheaper pinot noir from a crappy bottom-shelf grocery store.
Wait a few minutes while the two substances battle it out. When the drink resembles a cross between half-coagulated dairy, a fresh bruise, and tentacle porn in a pit full of Jello, drink it all in one swallow.
I call it a Weeping Boil due to its appearance and the general feeling that you're literally sucking the pus from an infected wound when you drink it.
ElTerprise: Okay time for second round of university bureaucracy....onwards to this adventure *grabs fedora* ^^
See you all later *hugs and waves*
Have fun, kudos on not throwing a brick through the office window out of sheer impatience. ;)